A Team Battle! Fight To Defend!

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The girls were doing some lessons for the past few weeks and today they were given a day off.

In those weeks, it had been some time since the dynamic trio had become a group, and Izumi was loving every second of it! Having not one but more friends that didn't judge her cause of her quirk was the best thing in the world! It was just like old times with Katsuki, only there was no Katsuki. Which honestly made Izumi a little sad.

Nevertheless, Hoshi had become close friends with both Izumi and Alumi and were thick of thieves. It took Alumi a while to warm up to Hoshi and her cheerful personality, though eventually they became closer than ever thanks to Izumi. And also, thanks to the hero/Pokémon loving girl, the two girls found themselves in love with the thought of becoming heroes, becoming a trainer-hero team, becoming some of the top heroes, and most of all idolizing All Might!

During the day off, Izumi suggested they go to the beach to look at Water Pokémon there. Alumi agreed. "Then let's go! We'll text Hoshi on the way! Come on, guys!" Izumi grabbed her bag, Pokeballs, with her notebook next to them. They headed out, going towards the beach.

They were there for at least half an hour before Katsuki, and his lackeys came by. Izuku and Hiro, Hono and Kokoro were watching some Horsea, and Poliwags and Magikarp swimming in the shallower waters by the rock pools. Mew was napping on the rocks.

"Evee!" Kokoro cried out, Izumi looked up to see Katsuki and his lackeys battling, no, just attacking a shiny Magikarp that was stuck on the sand. Izumi got up and ran over.

"Leave it alone!" Izumi cried and pushed them away from the shiny Magikarp.

"Deku." The blonde spat the name like some kind of foul taste he found in his mouth. "What are you doing here?"

The greenette was ready to explain a reason of her arrival and, but before she could utter any kind of word of explanation, Izumi quickly blurted out something else. "What are you doing Kac-Bakugo?!"


Before Izumi could stop this, she's continuing her train of thought. "W-Why are you h-hurt him?! Y-You said that you w-would never catch Magikarp!"

The confused face of Bakugo Katsuki, quickly turned into a deep scowl. "What's your business with that, huh, Deku?" At this point he was glaring at her, sure she will scare her off, but the quite opposite happened.

Izumi glared at him back. Like she wasn't scared him, at all.

That surprised both young Midoriya and Bakugo a bit. With all the courage she could muster he exclaimed as best he could. "Stop Bakugo! What are you doing?! Can't you see you're making it cry! If you don't, I'll stop you myself!" And raised her fists in defense!

"Oh really?" Katsuki asked sarcastically. "Well, if you're gonna play hero and protect it then who's gonna protect you?" Katsuki continued as he punched his fist into an explosion! "Deku!"

Izumi flinched at this, and Katsuki's toadies activates their quirks; one sprouted huge red bat wings and the other elongated his finger!

"Well, Deku!? Who's gonna protect you, huh? Who!" Katsuki shouted threateningly!

"Boo." Came a new voice behind the three boys.

The three boys then jumped in fear and screamed from the surprise! The three of them turned around to see the scowling expression of Alumi and her Pokémon. Who then walked past the boys and to Izumi's side also protecting the shiny Magikarp. 

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