episode 2: a dragón's thrist ( lemon)

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Y/n's pov:

I arrive with my armor on because of Rem request for información of an unknown kingdom hidden on the earth, ivy decided to stay behind and got damn it i forgot the world Is looking for me so i grab a cape with hoodie to cover the face as i ride my Horse to the kingdom of dragons, i mean what could posible go wrong?

- timeskip-

Y/n: huh, i Thought it Will be wierd or something but this Is f-

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Y/n: huh, i Thought it Will be wierd or something but this Is f-

A/n: what did ya say!? I give you an Easy path but Now - says it breaking the fourth wall and snap His fingers change the place a little bit and vanish-

A/n: what did ya say!? I give you an Easy path but Now - says it breaking the fourth wall and snap His fingers change the place a little bit and vanish-

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Y/n: fuck....

- after a bunch of Dodging dragons later-

I arrive at the Castle after tired of dragons and dragons attacking me, but i calm down and the big door was open as if someone was waiting for me, i enter it only to saw two female but Beautiful sitting on a throne room as i look at them

Y/n: you two must be princess Kamui and queen Daenerys, the mother of dragons

Y/n: you two must be princess Kamui and queen Daenerys, the mother of dragons

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Kamui: mother, i think it's the Satanael knight that the rumors spoke of

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Kamui: mother, i think it's the Satanael knight that the rumors spoke of

Daenerys: i see, yes welcome to the kingdom of dragons, i know what you seek and-

Y/n(Satanael): first off, can you train them first?

Daenerys: oh so you Already meet my pets ^^" sorry there just bored

Y/n(Satanael): uh-huh, but yeah im seeking a kingdom hidden from the earth, and i was wondering if you Will hold información of it or at least a map?

Daenerys: hmmm - looks at His body from top to Botton-  "maybe" or maybe not

Y/n(Satanael): what do you need? - cross my arms looking at them-

Kamui: mother?

Daenerys: - begins to approuch him then touch His chest- you see we are in heat state now for décades and...~

Y/n's mind: ( oh fuck....)

Daenerys: we could really need your assistants~ just look at my daughter - points to her-

Kamui: - her pupils change into hearts while approuch him slowly revealing her wings,Tail and Horns-

Y/n: - gulp a bit- i- i see, but listen you should-

Kamui: i can't take it any longer!~ - Tackles him taking to her mother's room -

Y/n(Satanael): woah!

Daenerys: - giggles - my daughter can't really control herself, she's being holding back alot More than i

- at Daenerys room-

💣Lemon warning💣

I got push at her mother's bed as she strips herself completly naked as she ripped my armor off expose my body that her mother and her bite there lips and even remove my helmet as Kamui begin to kiss me while Daenerys begin to stroke my "long sword" ( aka member) i moan a bit as Kamui tongue kiss me as her pussy begins to wet instant

Kamui: mother~ His perfect~ perfect husband~

Daenerys: - begins to insert her pussy inside of her- oh by lord Is huge~ - begins to bounce from slow to fast times 3x-

Kamui: - begins to touch herself while watching them embrace love-

Y/n(Satanael): -moans a bit- god it's so thicc and wet, if you kept going it i may cum sooner queen Daenerys~ - blushes red-

Daenerys: ahh ahh please~ call me Daenerys~ and you can reveal your true name~

Y/n: ahh ahh~ Y-Y/n L/n

Kamui: - giggles- what a cute name~ - kisses His neck -

Daenerys: ahh I'm about to c-cum!~

Y/n: i can't hold any longer ngh AH!~

Both of us came at the same Time pregnate her that she fell next to me as warm semen begin to came inside of her, then Kamui was next as she insert but before she bounce she look at me licking her lips

Kamui: i can go so wild than my mother posible for 12 times~

Y/n: oh sh-

To be continue

Lemon ended

After that i learn More about the hidden kingdom which could give me what i seek, but Now I'm pregnate both queen and princess that the dragón are nicer now as i wave goodbye, but THANK GOD my member almost got destroy by Kamui's thristy state that i need alot of ice on it

Episode 2 end

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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