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"calm down there. someone might take advantage, you know? drinking all that, watch out," the stranger sitting next to the teen said.

the male, who looked near jeongguk's age, was undeniably hot—dressed in a black, tighter shirt that clung to his broad chest and lean muscles, with some grey sweatpants that hung lowly on his waist, all paired with tussled, black hair and dark amber eyes that held mystery, with some tan skin and chiseled features. he was hot, but really obnoxious.

who did he think he was? telling jeongguk what to do?

"nah, i'm good. you can fuck off now," the teen smiled politely before hopping off the bar seat, black boots thumping against the ground. he chugged down his drink and immediately swerved through the people in order to get to the club's exit.

he came to have some fun. it didn't work out. time to leave.

as soon as the pink haired boy was out the club, he was pushed against the wall. "what the f—"

"you're pissed because i was advising you to watch out for yourself?" his deep voice asked, vibrating his chest.

the stranger from earlier was hovering over him, his thigh between gguk's legs. his cool breath brushed then teen's lips and it didn't help that just the stranger's presence sent a chill down jeongguk's spine.

"i don't listen to you. you're not the boss of me. no one is," he spoke softly, tongue running across his dry lips as a way to tease the stranger before him. he didn't like the dude, but why not have a little fun teasing him?

the stranger glanced down at his now moist lips and leaned in. "i was just being helpful. the world's not a pretty place, princess. never know when someone can come and take advantage of your pretty little body," he muttered as he took a piece of gguk's curly hair, twirling the lock in between his slim, long fingers.

jeongguk rolled his eyes. "i don't need your help. so as i said earlier, you can fuck off now."

"as you said earlier, nah i'm good."

not a moment later they were in the teen's bedroom, mouths and tongues connected.

"how old are you?" the stranger said as his hand slipped into the teen's jeans. "17," gguk said, breathless. the stranger nodded, "only a year younger. we're good here."

"d-do you—" jeongguk lightly moaned as the stranger dragged his lips down the teen's upper half. "condom?"

the boy nuzzled in the younger's neck, marking up the sweet, fair skin. "of course i do. now stop talking and take off your pants," he breathed out.

the pink haired male went to pulling down his ripped jeans and fishnets that were underneath. the male dove into his plush thighs, reveling in them. jeongguk's hands gripped his baby blue sheets with white bunnies on them. "stop telling me what to do," he muttered while his body curled up towards the older's touch.

the stranger's hand went to the teen's curly, pink hair. he tugged the boy to him, lips almost touching, while growling, "do you want this or not?"

"i-i do." jeongguk let out a whine as the 18 year old's teeth nipped at the inner skin of his thighs.

"then get on your knees and stop being a brat."

"y-yes s-sir—"

"taehyung. my name's taehyung. remember that when you're moaning."

"o-ok taehyung."




i really just did that😔😔

i have no words. i'm not dirty i swear😔😔😔😔

was it crazy? cringe? weird? thoughts por favor😔😔

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