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Lo siento if there are any mistakes😔.   |

"you're growing your hair out," taehyung mutters, his velvety voice rumbling from his chest and throat. his finger swirls through jeongguk's pink cotton candy hair that how now grown. it curls more and jeongguk can actually tuck it behind his pierced ear. "it's cute," he says and the younger pushes his hand away with a glare.

a month has passed, and so life has went on. taehyung has made multiple friends in school, most of them females—which jeongguk doesn't like at all. but he ignores it. tae doesn't belong to him. he knows that. gguk rarely shows up at school and yugyeom has slightly forgave him for sleeping with the new kid.

he hangs out in the halls, or on the roof with a cigarette perched between his glossed lips. taehyung hasn't seem him in the neighborhood, but when he does, he makes a habit of annoying the younger with a series of cat calls, shouts or pick up lines on his way home. every once in a while, if they're horny enough and don't hate each other in that moment, they'll meet up in the boy's bathroom.

"i wanted to grow it out," the pink haired teen mumbles softly, blowing a piece out of his face.

jeongguk's legs hang over the desk, his body laid back carelessly in class. for once, he's shown up to school despite him being extremely late. taehyung is sat in the desk next to him, his hand continuously reaching out to touch the younger.

"mr. jeon, off the desk," the teacher calls out while explaining the assignment.

the 17 year old doesn't listen, but honestly, when does he ever?? he flicks his pencil against his bare knee repeatedly, softly chewing on his pink bubble gum. his fingers fumble with the rips and seams of his thrashed jeans.

listening to what his superiors tell him is only a waste of his time. they're not him. they're not his parents. they're nothing and who are they to act like they're the boss?

jeongguk only does what he wants and only listens to who he wants—and that's not anyone. except for taehyung, and that's only sometimes.

"off the desk, jeon."

the black haired male beside him watches him, his head turned with his eyes narrowed.

what is wrong with jeongguk? what's so bad about listening to the adults?

"off the desk, mr. jeon."

"OFF the desk, jeongguk."

the older glances at the younger who is now completely ignoring the teacher, his earbuds in while he keeps his doe eyes straight ahead, unfazed and uncaring. he defies anyone and everyone. his jaw is locked and tense, his hands tucking pieces of hair behind his ear. he's beautiful and even cuter when he does that, tae notices, but he's a little dick.

taehyung already knows gguk doesn't listen to anyone but him. he knows that jeongguk is nothing but a submissive, shy boy who can't help doing whatever tae tells him. his dominance and power always has the younger kneeling.

with knowing all of this, he leans forward, snaking a hand through the younger's fluffy locks, each curled around a finger of his. his legs move to the outside of the desk, now sitting sideways in his desk. his eyes flame a dark light. "off the desk, princess," he whispers roughly, pulling harshly at the other male's hair.

jeongguk winces and quickly pulls his legs off of the desk, sitting correctly in his seat. his head falls back with each tug of taehyung's hand, unmarked neck out in the open, his adam's apple moving up and down as he gulps.

by now, the teacher or any other student isn't paying attention—simply because they know the "bad boy" won't listen and give up.

"stop being such a brat," he growled lowly, his hand pulling even harder than before. the younger's scalp tingles, and his fingers grip his wooden desk. his lips part to let some air through.

meanwhile, taehyung loves this. the sight of jeongguk in this state— fingers curling, neck and collarbones exposed, purrs and whimpers leaving his open mouth as he slightly pants.

"got it?"

jeongguk immediately nods, softly murmuring, "yes taehyung."

the older smirks in victory and lets go of him, turning back in his seat and sighing in content.


not a day later, jeongguk was sent to the principal's office for vandalizing taehyung's car with the words "suck my dick" in hot pink marker.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, JEON?" the older rages, eyes glossing over with anger. jeongguk was sat on the hood of the car, rolling a strawberry lollipop around in his mouth as the sun kissed his skin. his head was leaned back, soaking in the warmth like there was no tomorrow. his legs were crossed daintily.

students crowded around, everyone wide eyed and gasping.

the pink haired boy turned to the older with bright eyes. "i didn't expect you to be out of class so early. hmm. like your new car?"

when taehyung heavily fumes, fists clenching, and his teeth grind so hard that he doesn't say a word, jeongguk chimes in.

"you don't like it?? i think it's pretty." he shrugs, twirling a lock of his hair. "don't you think the hot pink contrasts so beautifully with the light gray? or no?"


every student has raced off by now, terrified of the fury that's surrounding kim taehyung.

the veins on his sculpted arms bulge a bit and his black hair falls into his eyes, his chest rising with heavy breaths. jeongguk has never seen tae so mad before. maybe he didn't think this through.

"i don't care what you're gonna do. just don't pull that shit like you did in math ever again," jeongguk snaps.

he hated feeling so vulnerable. why couldn't he stand up to taehyung? taehyung was the only person he couldn't truly defy because everything in his body wanted to submit to him without hesitation.

it was infuriating.

the older nears him and without a second thought wraps his hand around gguk's collar of his shirt and pushes him firmly up against the warm car.

his hand slides under the 17 year old's shirt, hand gripping his hip, holding him. his fingertips press into the skin with a searing touch.

"when do you stop this, jeon? when do you stop running around like a cocky little brat who acts like he runs the world? you think you can come in here and do the same with me without the fear of repercussions? no fucking way."

he tightens his hold on the younger's collar, making jeongguk's breath hitch. tae stares straight into the younger's big eyes, watching as the emotion changes from cocky to nervous. the lollipop falls from his mouth.

he didn't expect taehyung to actually get mad, nor handle jeongguk so roughly. a part of him likes it and a part of him is genuinely shocked.

his mouth goes to his ear, lips touching his skin as he mutters, "understand this: i play with you. you don't play with me. i can have you underneath me, begging for me inside you. i can make you bend anyway i want anywhere i want. i can have you limping and out of breath in a single second. i can pound into you so hard that you're crying and screaming my name. i am the boss here. not you."

and with that he aggressively releases the shaken up the pink haired male.



i know this chapter sucked. i sorry:((

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