F O R T Y - N I N E

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Tears welled up in my eyes, as I clutched my left cheek. Dad had gotten angry at me, though I wasn't exactly sure what I did this time. I stared up at him, at his outreached hand and the look of disgust etched upon his cruel face. The face that was red in anger.

"I-I'm sorry," I found myself saying, though I had no idea what I was apologizing for, I felt like it was needed. I wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible, and surround myself with people that make me happy.

Like my friends and my step brothers.

And Benny, whom I have gotten close to in the past week, talking and laughing, and if I wasn't with Elliot, Michael and Jackson-or Ryder and his annoying posse occasionally, or even Dylan and Ryan, or my other step brothers, I was with Benny.

Though, Elliot, Jackson and Michael did their best to limit our interactions, it didn't work all too well. But I was startled by their protectiveness of me. It made me happy that they cared enough about my well being. It wasn't something I was used to.

"You should be," my father had growled in response to my apology.

I didn't say anything more as tears leaked from my eyes.

With one final glare, Dad went to his bedroom and I let out a fresh breath of relief. He was gone. I waited a few moments to make sure he doesn't come back, and when he doesn't, I wiped my tears away and walked out of the front door.

I had made plans to see Benny. He wanted to speak to me about something, and I was oddly curious. Though a bit scarred. What if he wanted to call off our friendship? I'm probably just being paranoid though. Maybe. Probably. Hopefully.

I checked the new phone Elliot had given me a few days ago for any texts. I made sure to mute everyone, just to be on the safe side. When I saw that no one had left any new messages, I slid the phone back into my pocket and began walking. It's time to meet up with Benny.


Benny smiled as soon as he saw me. He was previously sitting on a park bench, but then he stood up and gave me a hug—far different from Michael's tackles, but still nice nonetheless.

"I'm so glad you're here, Alexa," Benny said, letting go from the hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good," I said. Well, I'm good now that my dad wasn't around, but I didn't say that, of course. "How about you?" I asked as I began twiddling my thumbs together.

"Great now that you're here." When Benny said that, my heart fluttered and a light blush appeared on my cheeks.

"What did you need to tell me?" All doubts of Benny calling quits on our friendship completely left my mind.

"Alexa," Benny started, staring into my eyes. He tends to do that a lot when talking to me. It made me nervous, but yet at the same time, it excited me.

"Yes?" I questioned eagerly, wondering what he was going to say. I couldn't wait another minute.

"I like you."

I blinked. "You...what?" What way was he referring to exactly? I was too afraid to ask, but luckily I didn't have to because he told me anyways.

"I have a crush on you," Benny said, "I have since I met you. I wanted to ask if..."

I waited.

"Would you like to ge my girlfriend?"

"Who dared you-"

"No one. I genuinely do like you."

"Oh..." I blushed and stared down at my feet. "If...it's not a joke or a dare or whatever, then um...yeah, I wouldn't mind being your girlfriend...."

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