Dick Grayson VS Bullies(draft)

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Warning: Extreme cliches ahead

Dick is 15, and has been Robin for 6 years, but has put up with bullies so no one gets suspicious, or pays too much attention to him. Bruce doesn't know how bad it is.

I own nothing except for my ideas and characters

I'm done with writing, so you can pick this up if you want. Just please tell me so I can read it, I'd like to see someone elses take on this.


Dick's POV

Since I was taken in by the forever famous Bruce Wayne, I was enrolled in a pretty expensive and amazing school. Gotham Academy was only 10 miles from the manor, and if I had it my way I would did any motorcycle to school everyday. But apparently it isn't "legal," or something. I didn't always attend a prestigious school, but when I entered 9th grade, I was sent here.

"Hey, gypsy!" That's Megan Jones, most likely her boyfriend Maddox Thatcher, and his brother Todd.

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