Chapter 9

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Adriel's p.o.v.

"Muévele imbecil!" I shout to the driver "Si señor," he says stepping on the gas. We drove towards a place I'd knew I'd find her if she wasn't at her dads. Her best friend, Zayn, I remember her mentioning him a few times and the area he lived.

Once we get closer towards the location we see a woman, panicking and seemingly running away upon closer inspection I see she has her hands tied behind her back and a bandana over her mouth and tears are running down her face.

"Stop the car!" I shout to the driver causing the car to come to a rapid stop "es ella!" I say to the driver and get out the truck I grab Karen, and put her inside the truck "go!" I shout to the driver and he begins to drive again

I take the gag from her mouth and she lets out a cry "what happened to you?!" I ask trying to take off the rope from her wrist but struggling to do so.

"I-It was Zayn," she said sniffling "he's working for los zetas h-he h-had me tied up because he was giving me to them I managed to escape" she says in between cries.

"What do you mean he's with the zetas?" I question as I the rope falls from her wrist

She begins to rub her wrist in pain "I mean he's fucking working for them he has the tattoo they all have" she says wiping away tears "that's not the guy I knew, he's changed"

"Look if he called them that means they won't stop until they get to you" I say trying to work up a plan "but why me what do they want with me?" She questions

"I don't know," I answer truthfully

"Don't come at me with that bullshit Adriel, what do you all want with me why did my dad agree for me to leave to Colombia with a man I don't fucking know, where I can't leave, I can't do shit with out you baby sitting me in sure you're having fucking fun with that-"

"HEY" I yell shutting her up "this isn't a fucking game if you want to yell at someone yell at your piece of shit dad who was willing to sell you for more money and coke why Juan Luis wants you I don't fucking know I'm just doing my job so don't piss me off or I'll do something I regret got it?"

She nods scared "and don't ever pull that shit that you pulled at the jail ever again or it's gonna be your head that's gonna be rolling"

Her eyes widened in fear "estamos aquí señor" the driver says as we pull up to the hotel "gracias," I tell him as I grab my gun and put it behind my pants.

"Don't day a fucking word" I say to her as we get off the truck.

I take her up to the room we're staying for the night and she begins to walk around "I'll be back" I tell her before I leave "where are you going?" She ask "I have shit to take care of don't get any stupid ideas about leaving los zetas could still be looking for you and I have two guards outside who will be watching you" I answer and leave the room

Juan Luis won't be happy about this.

**hi guys! I know it's been ages I'm excited to get back to writing I know it's been ages so I gave y'all a long chapter. Y'all vote and comment yalls thoughts**

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