Chapter 10-All awesome stories have time skips!

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~~~Time skip brought by author realising the holidays end in about 3 weeks~~~

Percy POV

I still can not fly.

A shame since I've been here for a month already.

But hey! I can walk now!

I greet the Vikings as I wander around, not doing anything remotely useful. 

Now before I talk about what I'm doing currently I have to catch you up to speed.

After the entire Hiccup offering me fish situation and the Anemoi we, and when I say we I mean they, found a hole out of the pit! Hallelujah! 

Then we travelled our way to the place called Bark. Cool because there was a lot of trees, meaning a lot of bark in the summer.

Dad didn't visit me after the conversation but I did get to Annabeth a bit! The only other thing I've seen in my dreams are the monsters talking to each before being inevitably getting cut off by Kelli. I also keep seeing a blurry portal of sorts. I can never get a clear view. All I get is a coloured greenish-blue glow and random Greek Letters.

The monsters were still attacking but very few which was a nice change but also made me more on edge. 

Oh yeah, and I ate! The village wouldn't give me anything other than fish and dragon nip so I hunt it myself. Which is want I'm doing right now!

My feet crunched through the leaf litter as I wandered around. I tried to catch the scent of prey which I learnt fairly quickly due to the village NOT GIVING ME FOOD! I ram my head into a tree with anger before walking away.

I don't know how far I walked but I finally caught the scent of food! Seems like rabbit is one the menu today!

I crouched, down taking in my surroundings. Trees on the left, trees on the right, spiderweb on the tree that's 4 trees down on my right, vine on nearest tree on the left that can be used if needed, a cave behind rabbit I won't fall into even if I dive, a bit of bark the probably looks like Bark from above. Anyways, I was completely concentrated. 

It's a little surprising how oblivious some animals are here. I'm not even camouflaged coloured and the bunny can't see me!

I jumped at the rabbit who realized a few seconds too late that I was coming and it got snapped up in my jaws. Suddenly there was pain bursting from my snout as I flipped over, and rolled into the cave. It looks like one thing had slipped under my ADHD radar, a rock behind the rabbit.

The cave inclined downwards so I didn't stop rolling, gravel pelted my scales and I think one of the webs on my face ripped because it hurts. As I rolled I did what any other person would do in my situation.


I screamed.

I screamed until I slammed into freezing water, bubbles were everywhere and rubble bombarded the water surface.

I twisted and dodged the rubble, not like they were going to hurt me but it was better safe than sorry.

Suddenly a beam of golden light penetrated the battlefield of debris and bubbles before disappearing again. But not from the water surface but from the side

'What was that?'



Hiccup POV

A dark-skinned girl with short black and curly hair stumbled into the Holligan village clutching her stomach with cuts, scrapes and bruises peppering her face and arms. She was fully decked out in bronze armour but some parts like the shoulder pads and a good chunk of the chest plate had been ripped off.

Percy Jackson and Httyd (Editing... Again, also discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now