Pls don't patronize me

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Vicakatorea ate a pear on the side of the beach. She watched from a distance as Elmo socced Kermit. Droplets of blood flew as the frog's flesh was exposed to the crisp sea air. Kermit screamed as Elmo skinned him alive with a machete.
"Oh elmoo is so manly" viktoria sighed. Blood soaked the sand under Kermit as Elmo threw his body onto the ground.
"Just like the koolaid ma use to make" he said in a western accent. Vicakatorea blushed and quickly looked away as elmoo looked in her direction. Elmo yeeted kermits skinless body over his shoulder. He walked at a lesurely pace, blood pouring from kermits empty eyesockets as he walked.

Elmo swung open the door of his smol hut, feeling kermits skinless body shift a bit. He grabbed the sack of meat by what used to be his leg and yeeted it into his Barbie ™ Easy Beauty Bake oven. He set it to high and went and sat in his knitting chair.
"Kermits skin should be enough to finish my latest fursuit" he said aloud. And so the muscular puppet went to work making victoria a fursuit, not knowing victoria was watching him intently through a foggy window.

hope she likes protogens

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