this has way too many chapters

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Victoria's dark hair blew gently in the wind, her eyes reflecting off of the surface of the cool river that chilled her feet. The air was thick and damp, smelling of toadstools and of raw, rotting wood. She froze as the leaves behind her rustled. Vikctoria turned her head around to see a large figure blocking out the sun.
It was Elmo.
Victoria frowned, her lip twitching in deep thought. She knew what she had to say, but she was terrified to say it.
"M'lady," Elmo rumbled, outstretching his large red hand. "If I may."
"You may not!" Victoria snapped back, digging her fingernails into her sweaty palms. "I... We can't do this anymore."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Well. . ." Victoria trailed off as she struggled for words. Elmo's face twisted into contorted rage.
"Are you seriously breaking up with me?" He asked, seething. "After all we've been through? I risked much to meet up with you every. Single. NIGHT. And this is the thanks I get?" Elmo got closer to Victoria, looming over her small, cowering frame.
"Please," She begged. "TRY to understand-"
"Oh I understand." Spittle flew from Elmo's mouth as he spoke, bitter rage tainting his words. "You want to break up with me. After everything I've done for you. You ungrateful bastard." Elmo unsheathed his machete. Tears welled in Viktora's eyes. The large red figure started moving closer and closer to Victoria, his face looking more and more sour with each step.
"It's either Elmo or Killmo, and we both know which one you chose." But before Elmo could begin to socc victoria, an arrow flew from the sky and a triumphant battle cry sounded. The arrow pierced Elmo's back and he  let out a bloodcurtling scream of agony.
"Thanks for saving me, Bill Nye." Victoria sighed, relieved.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now get out of here before you get into any more trouble." Vikctoria nodded, dashing off into the woods.

Elmo x vikatoreaWhere stories live. Discover now