My first instincts were to turn and walk away. Where I'd go, I don't know considering the only living relative I know of is in no position to house me. So I stood there with my arms folded challenging Roland with my eyes alone. Just like Nicolas he appeared unfazed, mimicked my stance and said nothing. I'd like to tell him off. I really would but when I think about it, this isn't his fault. These are Nicolas' orders. My real issue is with him therefore my anger needs to be directed at the person that created it. Since he's not here though, there is only one thing I can do.
Without words I walked around him and his trunk ignoring the brisk wind hitting my face like a thousand sharp knives. The nosey neighbors I've become accustom to have been standing around watching us and as I hurried off down the street they seemed even more attentive. There were all kinds of comments and even laughter but it was soon forgotten when the sound of an engine started and that infamous black truck pulled up beside me.
"Get in the truck Rayne." His irritation was obvious but I could careless. I'm the one that should be irritated after he brought me all this way just to show me that I no longer have anywhere to live. "Nicolas is already unhappy that you left. If I go back without you he'll come looking for you and kill anyone standing in his way."
I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Why should I care how he feels? He obviously didn't think about my feelings when he lied to my landlady and moved my shit out!"
He sighed loudly, I'm sure it was out of frustration but that could be added to the list of shit I don't care about. "He moved you, a stripper living in a rathole in a very shady neighborhood to a mansion where you have your own everything and you're complaining? Nicolas could have and probably should have left your ungrateful ass there but he didn't so get over it and get in the damn truck!"
I stopped and faced him with my eyes narrowed shooting invisible daggers his way. If he thinks for one second talking to me like that is going to get him his desired outcome he has another thing coming! "I didn't ask Nicolas to save me! That's what you're failing to realize! I didn't ask him to take me out of that 'rathole' as you call it so I'm not going to just sit back and let some man I don't know alter my life and damn sure don't appreciate you telling me what the fuck I should be grateful for! So you know what, fuck you and fuck what he feels!" I stormed off toward the sparse field the little kids used to play baseball during the warm months knowing his truck couldn't make it down there. On any other day I wouldn't dare walk these streets alone at night. It's filled with all kinds of predators that look for lone women like me to do God knows what but my focus for the moment is to get away from everything Nicolas related. Along the way I heard what sounded like a car door slam. A strong gust of wind rushed past me and next thing I know I could feel a presence behind me.
"Rayne," His voice was loud and clear like he was right behind me but I refused to look back. "Stop this shit just come back to the house! Where else will you go if not there?"
"I've slept on benches before." I mumbled foolishly not remembering until it was already said that him being supernatural meant super hearing.
A tight grip on my elbow led to me being swung around until I was face to face with the angry blonde. Eyes that were once a pretty green were now peering back at me with swirls of red and orange replacing the previous beauty. His mouth was turned downward in a distinctive frown.
"What the hell do you mean by that?"
"Nothing." I yanked out of his grip harshly. "Don't worry about where I'll go. Just be glad that I'm no longer your problem. I know Armand will be." Turning on my heels I began walking again only to be stopped a few steps away.
"A problem? Nicolas has been abandoning his priorities to be near you. He killed a man that probably would have done the same to you and overpaid your landlord just to get you out of that shitty ass apartment in exchange for a room that has everything you'll ever need. He clearly doesn't consider you a problem and his opinion in this matter is all that should matter."
Infatuated (Unedited)
VampireIn the few short years that she has been an exotic dancer, Rayne Hanson has grown bored with her job. Every night it's the same dance and same men throwing money at her in hopes of having one night with the jewel of the club until one night a new fa...