I'm Coming Home

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I don't own Attack On Titan sadly. Enjoy some Farlevi shit because this ship isn't appreciated enough. Crossposted on Ao3 and has been edited slightly.

Levi's eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing what should've been murky, blood-filled water. But instead, he sits up to see a flower field, filled with Magnolias.

He's in a clean white short-sleeved shirt, slim black bants, and standard military issued knee-high boots, instead of his usual scout gear.
He looked at his hands, he had all ten of his fingers.

"Rivaille!" Levi froze. No way, 𝘕𝘰 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘢𝘺. The only people who called him that were all dead.
The raven-haired man whirled around to show Farlan 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 Church standing there, smiling like it was the best day of his life.

Right at that moment, something in Levi snapped. A wave of emotion rolled through the Captain, and the next thing he knew he was running with tears blurring his vision. With hot tears streaming down his pale cheeks, Levi threw himself into his lovers' arms, trusting him to catch him.

Hiccups and sobs flew out of his mouth as familiar strong arms wrapped around his waist to rest on the small of his back, lifting him into the air spinning them around on the spot. As soon as Farlan hand put him down, Levi threaded his fingers through Farlan's hair and brought his lips to the blonds, pouring all of his love, devotion and all of the emotions he was reluctant to do while he was alive. 

Parting from Farlan, Levi immediately hid his face in Farlan's chest, unable to look him in the eyes, remembering the lifeless look in them.

Garbled "I'm Sorry" 's and "I Love You" 's fell out of his mouth onto Farlan's chest, slightly muffled and hoarse.
Chuckling softly, Farlan brought a hand to the feathery locks on the back of his head, stroking his nape soothingly. "Raven,  can you look at me please?" Levi chuckled wetly. Raven. His little Raven, Farlan would always call him that, saying he was his and no-one else's.

He would, without fail scoff or whiff his infamous 'Tch'  always accompanied by an eye-roll, but all he did here was do as asked and silently looked up, vision blurry. "There's nothing to forgive, Raven."

Farlan's tone was soft and comforting, chasing away the demons that haunted Levi's mind. "But I led you to your deaths! It was my fault that Isabel died so fucking young! It was because of me, that you died before you could explore the world, I was the reason you both suffered so much..."

By the end of his rant, Levi had exhausted all of his emotional energy and collapsed against Farlan, silent tears riveting down his face, hot and salty. Sighing softly, Farlan brought his hand to settle on Levi's cheek and lifted his head to look him in the eye, guiding the younger males head back when he  stubbornly looked away.

"Levi, you have nothing to be sorry about, both Isabel and I knew the dangers of going outside the walls, we were both willing to risk it all. Izzy doesn't blame you, and neither do I" 

Choosing to stay silent, Levi mulled over Farlan's words, disbelief and doubt blooming in his chest. Smiling softly at Levi, Farlan captured the the silver eyed males lips in a sweet, slow kiss, pulling him closer. He needed to convey how much Levi meant to him, Isabel and Kuchel.

'Not that he knows that yet' Farlan thought, enjoying the fact that he had his lover in his arms again. Warm, soft and pliant. 

Eyes widening, Levi stiffened before melting into Farlan's warm embrace yet again, feeling truly safe for the first time in over ten years. Smirking, Farlan stepped back away from Levi, making the raven-haired man look at him in confusion.

Swiftly moving, Farlan knocked over Levi by his legs, catching him by his shoulders and legs, hefting him up to carry him bridal-style.
Yelping, Levi immediately clung to the blond, giving a light-hearted glare when he laughed. "Fucking sly bastard" he muttered, no real heart behind it.
"You love me anyways" Farlan stated smugly, snickering when Levi blushed.

"C'mon, time to go inside." Farlan started to walk uphill to reveal a beautiful two-story house, blue in colour and trimmed with white.

Grudgingly accepting the fact that Farlan wouldn't put him down, another thought crossed and took place in Levi's mind.
"Where's Izzy?" He asked. Farlan looked down at Levi, a small smile appearing on his face.

"She's out with Kuchel, they'll be back sooner or later."
Levi's eyes widened. "My Mum?" Farlan nodded, remembering when he met his Ravens mother for the first time, how the petite woman thanked him for looking after Levi, how she recounted her limited time with her only son with pride and joy: with no regrets.

"She's a lovely woman" He whispered, stepping up to the patio slowly, not wanting to drop his lover.
Miraculously opening the door, Farlan shuffled into the house before turning the lights on, the room bathed in a warm golden light.

The blond watched as Levi craned his head to get a better look of the house that his family now called home, a childlike curiosity creeping across his usually blank face.

"You can look around later, just rest for now." Levi sighed with disappointment but nodded, relaxing against Farlan's warm chest, happily noting the room was immaculately clean, not a speck of dust to be seen.

After barely managing to get up the stairs, Farlan opened a door to reveal a room with a sky blue ceiling, a double bed, two side tables on either side, a white wooden desk, black carpet, an in-built wardrobe, a door which most likely led to an ensuite and plenty of shelves holding many items from knick-knacks to school books and photos.

Walking up to the bed, Farlan set Levi on the bed before removing his shoes, maneuvered Levi to pull back the covers before placing the covers over the small males shoulders. Farlan stood and pulled his desk chair towards him before all but collapsing into it, his hand going to stroke Levi's silky raven-colored hair.

"I'll be here when you wake up" He promised, watching as Levi's eyes fluttered shut, his lashes dark against pale skin, exhaustion lines clear on his deceptively young face.
Sighing softly, Farlan shot a text to Isabel, saying Levi had arrived but will be asleep, warning the readhead to keep her volume to minimum.

Nodding to himself, Farlan let himself drink in Levi's appearance. Still as beautiful as he was when Farlan and Isabel died, despite the deep bags under his eyes. A plan began to formulate in his head, debating how to make Levi feel loved and wanted again.

Farlan nodded, that's what he'll do. After all, Levi had people who cared about him even though he felt unworthy of it. He couldn't   simply forget the past, along with all of the traumas Levi had. Biting his lip, Farlan pressed a chaste kiss to Levi's cheek, solemly noting the gauntness.

Shaking his head, Farlan sighed sadness blooming in his chest.
"Well never leave you Lee, never again."
He whispered, a single hot tear sliding down his cheek.

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