Safe and Sound

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Blank green eyes stared up lifelessly, mouth opened in a silent scream of terror and shock. Frosty blue eyes stared with so much love, devotion, and fear, hand raised in a salute: a final goodbye.

Blood burst from the blonde’s midsection, coating him in the sludge-like substance. A feral, inhumane scream ripped from his throat, echoing across the field. It was a blur, he failed them, he failed them, he KILLED them.
He was falling into oblivion, the stench and filth clawing from the ground into his mind, heart, and soul, burning him, making him want to scratch and claw at his skin until it tore and he bled.

It pulled him down impossibly deeper, lower than the underdogs from the Underground, turning him into a cold, stone-faced, emotionless, heartless monster. Sought after to be weaponized, used as a tool for use and nothing more.

Why was he still fighting? The blood-soaked blades felt heavy in his hands, glinting up at him in a malicious, yet promising way.
It would be easy, he doubts that anyone would be upset at the fact he would be killed by his own blade. Heh, ironic. His hands had killed so many, voluntarily or not, it will be amusing to have his own life taken by the hands that had taken so many others from the world.

A scream ripped through the air, and a decapitated head fell to his feet, rolling to stare at him. A single question burning in the emerald depths.
Why? Why did you leave us?

He looked up dreading what he would see. A blood-covered hand saluting again, then bursting into a sea of blood, coating him again and again. He screamed again, not caring if it got him killed.

Was this his atonement? Him paying for all the suffering he had caused? Him forced to relive the moment in his life where he came undone, the monster that lurked deep in his mind took control of him, forcing the rational human side into the same cage that the monster usually resided in.
Screaming, the monster that he was continued to slaughter the animal that killed his family.

He continued to scream, his blades tore up along the abnormals arm, dousing him in blood.

He was still screaming before he was fully conscious, his throat going raw from the abuse.


Warm hands were grasping his face, grounding him into the present. Warm, safe, Farlan… Wait, what?

Hazy grey eyes snapped open to stare up in numb shock at the blond, frosty blue orbs staring back in concern, not pity or sympathy, concern.

He wasn’t going insane, was he? He suddenly scrabbled up, (Nearly falling off of the bed and smashing his head on the nightstand in his haste.) moving to touch the male, to confirm that he was real and not another fever-induced hallucination his brain conjured up to cope.

Pale, slender fingers met warm cheeks, confirming that this was real, he wasn’t just a ghost coming to haunt him. As if sensing his thoughts, Farlans hand played onto of his, leaning down and pressed his lips to his own, gentle and loving, reassuring. Nothing too overwhelming. Just a simple press of the lips.

Strong arms wrapped around his midsection, pulling him closer and resting his head on Farlan’s sternum, right over his heart. Thump Thump Thump.
A steady heartbeat, a sign of life.

Sobs slowly quietened to whimpers, his body shaking minutely. He was safe, nothing could hurt him if Farlan was here…
But this happened in every other dream his sick mind had made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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