MetsubouJinrai net Revived, Alliance Is Formed

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[4/01/2020, 7:00PM, inside the Oboro Forbearance Army Hideout]

The story started after Oboro, a slightly purplish haired woman in a clubbing dress, carried 3 of the fallen MetsubouJinrai Net members, Horobi, Jin and Ikazuchi, as she brings the Orcs that she has no use of anymore in order to destroy the 3 of them, transferring their blood to the machine, reviving them in an instant

Oboro: Now then, revive, Horobi, Jin, and Ikazuchi!
MetsubouJinrai Net will be reborn again!

After the transfer is complete, Horobi, Jin and Ikazuchi has revived, not knowing where they are, but their memories are still in tact

Horobi: Where are we?

Jin: What is this place?

Ikazuchi: Ugh.... We have been brought back, but who did it...?

Oboro: Hello, boys!
It was me who revived you...
And yes, you are in my secret hideout

Horobi: And you must be...?

Oboro: I am Oboro of Oboro Forbearance Army, and I am in charge of my organization
And I take that you are the person in charge of MetsubouJinrai net, am I correct, Horobi?

Horobi: That's right, by the will of Ark

Oboro: I see...
But sadly as I figured, your Forceriser has been stolen
And I got just the present for you 3!

Oboro goes to the table as she picks up 3 of the new belt that resembles the Forceriser but in crimson color and offers it to them along with the new Progrisekey

Oboro: As I promised, here are the present I'm offering you.

Horobi: What are these?

Oboro: It's my new technology in connection with your Rider Systems, and its name is Oboriser
and these I have held in my hand are the new Progrisekeys, and they have the data of all the Progrisekey you both used
They're called Forbearing Scorpion and Forbearing Falcon Oborisekeys

Horobi: But what about Ikazuchi?

Oboro: He uses the Dodo Zetsumerisekey, am I correct?
So I am afraid that every Zetsumerisekeys might not create its own Oborisekeys
But at least I repaired it for him
Better than nothing, huh?

Horobi: Very well then, anything else you want to ask, Oboro?

Oboro: What about your Zetsumeriser, along with all the Zetsumerisekeys?
Will you hand it over?
I'll duplicate them and turn my men into your Magias

Horobi: Jin....
Will you cooperate with her?
While I do the same

Jin: Well, alright then!

Horobi and Jin gives her the Zetsumeriser and the Zetsumerisekeys as she brings them for duplIcation of the Zetsumerisekeys

5 hours later, after the duplication is complete, she called out multiple of her ogre looking men as she placed one on each Orc, turning them into something that they have, Humagears as she gives one of them each Zetsumerisekey, which are actually Berotha, Kuehne, Ekal, Neohi, Mammoth, Onycho, Vicarya, Gaeru, 3 different Dodos, and Arsino

After the preparation is complete, Oboro asked Horobi one favour

Oboro: Alright, Horobi, I want to ask you one favour.....

Horobi: What is it, Oboro?
State your question.

Oboro: Will you make an alliance with me?
MetsubouJinrai net with Oboro Forbearance Army?

Horobi: Jin, Ikazuchi!
We must form an alliance with the OFA.

Jin: But for what purpose, Horobi?

Horobi: To take revenge on A.I.M.S, Hiden Intelligence, and most of all.....

Oboro: Anti-Demon Ninja!

Jin: Taimanin?
What are they or who are they?

Oboro: Nothing but a nuisance to us
They killed all of my men, every single time
Nothing but pesky insects!
A thorn in our sights!

Jin: Oh, then if they joined forces with Hiden Intelligence, we will be ready, right, Horobi?

Horobi: The invasion starts tomorrow, want me to lead our alliance?

Oboro: How about you and I, Horobi, will lead our alliance.....

Horobi: Very well then....
Gather your men....
We have a briefing to do....!

Meanwhile, inside Hiden Intelligence, right after Aruto rushed to the office before he becomes late, he looks at the time, knowing that he is one minute late but it means he's already on time in her perspective

Aruto: Oh no.....
I'm laaaate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asagi: Nope!
Right on time!

Sakura and Izu nods in agreement

Aruto: Anyways, what's the status, Izu?

Izu: Aruto-shachou, the news is out actually.....
MetsubouJinrai net has returned and they formed a new alliance with.....

Asagi: Oboro...!!!!!!!

Izu: Oboro...?
Can you explain who or what that "Oboro" is?

Asagi: She's a menace!
With a lot of Orcs led by her....
She was the reason that Kyousuke was stolen.....
Or worse, fused with....

Sakura: Yeah, and she gave me a really hard beating, and a really bad strangling with her freaky looking tentacles....!
And worse, she showed her true form to Asagi....
Take a look....

She passes the photo of Oboro in her monstrous form to Aruto, making Aruto feel disgusted, almost wanting to puke

Aruto: Uuugh....!!!
That's one ugly bitch-whore that I am seeing right now.....!
And that's even worse than a few Magias I defeated.....

Asagi: And not only that, she turned those Orcs into......
Something that only Aruto knows of.....

Aruto: Humagear!
which will become the Magia...!

Sakura: They do?

Aruto: MetsubouJinrai.....
Who formed an alliance with Oboro Forbearance Army!

Asagi: In any rate, we must take them down right here right now!

Aruto: Yeah, we would!

Sakura: Count me in!

Aruto: Alright, Time to destroy all of them and smash their organizations!

An hour later, Asagi, Aruto and Sakura arrived to the scene as they face the OFA and MetsubouJinrai net Alliance as they prepare their Progrisekeys, transforming into the 3 Kamen Riders that Oboro is looking at right now


As Asagi and Sakura inserts their Progrisekeys into the Forceriser, Aruto scans his Progrisekey for authorization, and Jin freaks out, seeing that one of them used HIS Forceriser, which doesn't belong to him anymore after his death, as they pull the hook of the Forceriser and insert the Progrisekey in the Zero One Driver

Jin: HEY!!!

Horobi: They're not yours anymore, we have something better than those

Jin: Oh, right
Too bad, you losers!
We have something better than Forceriser!!

Aruto: Let's do this!

Asagi and Sakura: Right!!

Aruto, Sakura and Asagi: HENSHIN!!!!


"The Rider Kick increases by adding power into it!"


Oboro: Let's go!

MetsubouJinrai: Yes!
OFA Orcs: Yes!!!

As they accept her order, the 3 in MetsubouJinrai and all the Orcs in the OFA prepares their Progrisekeys


As they pressed the button, they slots it inside their Oboriser as they pull the hook the same way as the Forceriser

Jin, Horobi and Ikazuchi: Henshin!!!


After they transformed into the upgraded version of Kamen Rider Horobi, Kamen Rider Jin and Kamen Rider Ikazuchi, all the Humagear Orcs prepares their Zetsumerisekey, pressing it before they inserts them, pressing the Zetsumeriser with the cable piercing it



After the Orcs had done all these, they transformed into all 12 Magias getting ready to strike them
But the 3 of them are already prepared for the worst as they dashed into action, but the scene is paused as the story ends 


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