Zero Asagi! A Fusion Is Born

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A story started as Asagi, Aruto and Sakura faced against Oboro, Jin, Horobi, Ikazuchi and their united horde of Orcs turned into different Magias that was previously defeated by Zero One himself

Asagi: It's now or never!
We must defeat those Magias once and for all!
You with me, Aruto, Sakura?

Aruto: Yeah!

Sakura: You bet!

Fuwa: You can't beat them without us, you know!

Fuwa and Ingrid arrived on the scene, standing side by side with Aruto and his 2 friends

Fuwa: Cuz your enemies are my enemies too, Asagi!

Asagi: Fuwa! You manage to become stronger!

Fuwa: Cuz I did fought MetsubouJinrai before, but later I will do it again!

Ingrid: Alright, enough talk!
Time to get this party started!!

As all of them are prepared with their weapons, Oboro commands all of them to commence attacking

Oboro: ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then all of them even Oboro charges at them but Asagi fights back against each Magia while Fuwa, Ingrid, Aruto and Sakura fought against all the other Magias, and then uses their signature finisher against all of the Orcs turned Magias


After the finisher hits them, all of the Magias exploded in their deaths, leaving Oboro and the 3 MetsubouJinrai members, as the 3 of them battles them while Asagi faces Oboro one on one with their swords clashed just like she did in the Chaos Arena

Asagi: Oboroooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oboro: Yes, Asagi!
Feel rage!
After you remembered that day I tormented you!!

Asagi: SHUT UP!!!!!!

Then they continue clashing with their swords, meanwhile, moving on to Fuwa and Ingrid vs Horobi, attacking each other with their punches and kicks

Horobi: I remember you defeated me before, do you?
But this time, you won't defeat me!
By the will of the Ark, I'll defeat you just like what you did to me, to return the favor!

Fuwa: Heh!
Go ahead and try!!
Cuz it'll be the 3rd time I defeat you, and this time, she's here with me!!

Horobi: We shall see.....!

As they exchanged punches, the 4 of them executed their finishers as it clashes with each other, but as a result, Horobi's finisher attacked them, pushing them away damaged


Ingrid: What form of power is this....

Fuwa: No idea....
How did he get that strong...?

Meanwhile, back to Oboro vs Asagi, Asagi was down as right before Oboro finishes her off, Aruto intervenes and defends Asagi with his Authorise Buster and he slashes Oboro away but not wounded easily as Oboro laughed like a maniac

Oboro: Hehehehehe.......
Is that all you got??
Let me show you how it's done!

As her crack mark appears on her face, her monstrous form has been evolved by her, covered in such monstrous skin all over her and the tentacles was out, slithering around as she uses it to tangle them, lifting them up and closer to her as she said her last words, with her claws becoming a large beam claws

Oboro: Fare thee well, Zero One and Asagi!!

After she pulls them closer, she slashes them in one blow as they were thrown back, damaged down

Asagi: I swear....Oboro...
You will pay....!!!!

Aruto: This isn't good, we cannot win at this rate...!

Asagi: Don't give up now, Aruto!
We must fight her and MetsubouJinrai until the end!
There shall be another way!!!

Aruto: Yeah....
We must fight.....

Aruto and Asagi: TOGETHER AS ONE!!!!!!!

As they resolve, both of their belts are glowing, but they didn't know yet

Asagi: Our belts!
They're glowing!
That means...!

Aruto: It means it wants us to fuse...!

Asagi: Yeah!
Let's do it!

Asagi and Aruto: Our hearts as one!!!

As they roar out, powering up, both Asagi and Aruto have finally been fused together as one unknown Rider, but their name is 仮面ライダーゼロアサギ (Kamen Rider Zero Asagi)

"When the 2 combined, a fusion warrior is born!"

Oboro: W-what!!??
H-how did they become fused!!??
Who are you!!!???

???: We are not Zero One nor Asagi!
We are Kamen Rider Zero Asagi!
It's over, Oboro!
We are here to defeat you!

Oboro: Don't get cocky because you both fused already!!!!

As she attacks them with her tentacles, they raised their hand and pushes it back to her, attacking her in an instance, right before they blasted all of them with their shining blast wave from the palm of their hands, pushing the 5 of them away, while the remaining Magia exploded in defeat

Fuwa: Aruto-shachou and.....

Ingrid: Asagi......

Sakura: .....combined......?

Zero Asagi: It's over, Oboro, Sabato, and MetsubouJinrai net!
You all are finished!
There's only one person who can stop you, and that's us!

As they pushed the Progrisekey, they use their new finisher, made from the fusion of Rising Impact and Ninja Arts: Sword Battle Petal, and the name is, Ninja Arts: Zero Battle Impact, covering them with a gust of winds filled with blossom petals as they jump up and dashes down, kicking each of them but continuously kicking a few more of them, as the all 5 of them exploded after their last words


Ninpo: Reisen Impact

Horobi: By the will or Ark!!!!!!
Oboro: CURSE YOU, ZERO ASAGI!!!!!!!!

After they all exploded, Zero Asagi is victorious, as they ran out of energy, powering down and separating them in an instant, as they fall down in fatigue, but suddenly Sakura and Fuwa catches them both

Fuwa: Shachou.... Don't overdo it...!
Sakura: You won, you gotta rest now...!

1 Hour later inside the Hiden Intelligence, both Asagi and Aruto sleeps as Izu analyzes on the data of where the light came from and who the fused Kamen Rider were, and then she requested Satellite Zea to create a Progrisekey to in order to fuse with Rising Hopper Progrisekey, and thus the new Progrisekey is created, Blossoming Asagi which will only work when synced together with Rising Hopper Progrisekey, and as it is shown, the episode ends

[The End]

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