As Long As Malice Exists

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As the sky gets dark, Horobi arrives to the scene with the Ark Driver and the Ark One Progrisekey as he said his last words before he transforms

Horobi: Destroy humanity.

Before he begins the battle, he pressed the Ark One Progrisekey, which will automatically opens the flap, as he roars in rage, he inserts the Ark One Key inside the Ark Driver, opening the white flap, transforming him into Kamen Rider Ark One

"Destruction, Devastation, Despair and Ruin"

Izu: Horobi...


As Ark One floats up, he covered the area with Ark's darkness with words that says "Evil", "Fear", and "Death" 
As Ark One deals the final blow, both Aruto and Asagi rushes to the rescue, pushing Izu away to safety

Aruto: Izu!!

Ark One floats down to the ground as Izu, Aruto and Asagi looks at him as Aruto runs to Ark One before fighting him recklessly

Asagi: Aruto, no!!

But his strength isn't enough as Ark One strangles Aruto by the neck as he mentions Aruto's name while Izu tries to stand up with the help of Asagi

Ark One (Horobi): Hiden... Aruto...!

Aruto: Horobi!
We should be able to understand each other!

Not caring one bit, Ark One's eyes glow as he covers Aruto with his own darkness, making Aruto suffer before he threw Aruto away, but before Aruto tries to get up, he is weakened as he started to faint, as Izu and Asagi rushes to him in fear

Izu: Aruto-shachou!
Asagi: Aruto!!!

But by the moment she goes closer, she stopped as he hears the words

Ark One: All as the Ark wills it...

Izu: Is this another of There's simulations?

Asagi: It can't be true, can it?

The moment Izu questions herself, another figure showed up behind them, answering them

Azu: Nope
This is Ark-sama's simulation.

Izu: You.

Asagi: Azu!?

Izu: But Ark is gone. How is this possible?

Azu: Ark-sama will be revived.

Asagi: Revived!?
What the hell are you ta-

Before Asagi finishes her words, Azu covers the entire area in Ark's darkness as Azu smiles

[Opening song cues]

Asagi: What on earth do you mean Ark will be revived!?
Answer me!!

Azu: Ark-sama has become a god who can never be destroyed.

Asagi: What..?

Azu: Gods exists in the heart, right?

Then she still smiles as she looks at them

Azu: When great malice is born, Ark-sama will be revived

She walks closer to them

Azu: Can you stop Ark-sama?

Asagi: ....!!

Meanwhile, in Hiden Intelligence, Izu woke up in her simulation as Aruto surprised her

Aruto: You awake, Izu?

She felt surprised as he tries to catch her before she falls as Aruto apologizes as he did not know

Aruto: Sorry, I thought you were almost done recharging.
Did I surprise you

Asagi: Honestly...
You should've checked if she is fully charged or not, Aruto

Asagi facepalmed in utter disappointment as Izu stood up

Izu: No.
It appears I was dreaming.

Aruto & Asagi: Dreaming?

Asagi: Do Humagears actually dream?

Izu: It was a terrible dream when Horobi became Ark

Aruto: Eh?

Asagi: Huh?

As she hears the voice, Oboro made a speech

Oboro: To my fellow Humagears...
The unity of Metsuboujinrai net and Oboro Forebearance Army is now beginning its holy war against humanity.
Heed my will and congregate with my soldiers
All this is so... Humagears and Orcs can be at peace.

Meanwhile in Hiden Intelligence, Izu hears the speech of the united MetsubouJinrai net and Oboro Forbearance Army as Aruto and Asagi approaches her

Aruto: Izu?
What's wrong?

As she looks back at the simulation, she saw only Aruto was injured, and hid them from Aruto

Izu: It's nothing

Aruto feels relief, as he walks down while Asagi follows him, right before Izu takes a bow

Aruto: Okay

Meanwhile in the ZAIA Enterprise HQ, Amatsu Gai does his paperwork until he hears the doorbell, which is the arrival of Yotagaki Williamson and his men

Amatsu Gai: Yotagaki-san.
To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from the main office?

Yotagaki Williamson: How long do you think you can play CEO?
Not only did you create Ark, but you failed to control it.
As a result, it caused the company unnecessary losses

Yotagaki picks up the name display, as Gai stood up, before Yotagaki throws it away as Gai runs and picks it up

Yotagaki: You are no longer a president.

Amatsu Gai: What did you say?

Right after, one of his men replaced Gai's chair with Yotagaki's chair, cleaning up the desk and placed his own name display on the table as Yotagaki sits down, getting his paperwork started

Yotagaki: I'll deal with the rest myself
Don't worry. We've prepared a position for you.

Then he looks at Gai with his serious tone

Yotagaki: Starting today...

Gai looks at him nervously

Yotagaki:'re the manager of the Thouser department.

Amatsu Gai: Th-Thouser department?

Yotagaki: Your new job will involve doing anything we require Thouser to do

His men pushes the old chair away as Gai chases after him

Amatsu Gai: Hey!

Meanwhile in the lair of the united MetsubouJinrai Net and OFA, Jin woke up, mentioning Horobi's name, before he unplugged the wire from him, getting up from his chair, searching for Horobi before he got a call from Yotagaki Williamson

Yotagaki: It's me.
It took much doing but I'm glad that Ark is gone

Jin: I see!
Then it's all over.

Yotagaki: No. There's one more thing to wrap up...
Destroy Horobi.

Jin: If Ark is gone, then that shouldn't be necessary...

Yotagaki: Ark left him as a dangerous parting gift.
We can't just ignore him.

Meanwhile, both Horobi and Oboro walked out, bringing their whole army of Humagears and Orcs with them

Horobi: Let us begin...

Oboro: ...the holy war to destroy humanity.

Then the Humagear and the Orcs transforms into their respective Magia as all of them moves forward to start the war


 But before they go any further, Izu arrived to the scene, stopping them

Izu: Wait, Horobi!
I'm begging you. Let's stop the fighting.
Is your decision to destroy humanity truly in the Humagears' best interest?
You should examine all angles!

Meanwhile in Hiden Intelligence

Aruto: Horobi has declared war?

Asagi: And Oboro too!?
Is it true?

Shesta: It appears they only broadcast it to Humagears.
Izu didn't say anything to the both of you?

As he thinks of it, he heard what she said in his mind

Izu: It was a terrible dream where Horobi became Ark

As he remembers, he leaves the office in order to search for Izu, as Asagi chases him

Asagi: Wait!!

Meanwhile where both Izu and Horobi faced each other

Horobi: You know what horrors humanity is capable of.

Izu: And you do not understand how wonderful humans can be.
We were born because humans exist.
And they taught us the meaning of life, and of the heart.

Oboro: And above all... malice.

She goes past Horobi and looks at all the Humagears in their Magia forms

Izu: We're fellow Humagears, and yet we're polar opposites on how we view humanity.
Maybe the real fear should be learning from biased data.
But it's not too late!
I'm sure Aruto-shachou and Asagi-hishou can...

Before Izu finishes her speech, Fuwa, Yua and Sakura runs to the scene as the 3 of them aims the Shotriser at Horobi

Yua: What are you doing, Horobi, Oboro!?

Sakura: Is it definitely true you contacted Humagears saying that you'll destroy humanity with Oboro!?

Fuwa: If that's what you want, then we're not just gonna stand by.

Izu: No, there is no need to fight!

Right before she stops them, Oboro and Horobi prepares their Progrisekey and Zetsumerisekey on their own personal Forceriser while the 3 of them prepares their Shotriser and their Progrisekeys while Fuwa forces the key open

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