Stan stood in front of Kyle, frowning at Cartman whom we know is in Kyle's body...Well, Cartman just smiled, looking at Leopold and then at Kyle, smirking wider.
"What's going on, Stan?" Asked Cartman, walking to the sink casually.
"I know it's you, Cartman... What happened? What did you do?" Asked Stan cautiously, his eyes stern and eyebrows furrowed. his teeth clenched, tight. Kyle shrugged lightly and washed his hands under the cold water.
"Stan, what are you talking about? you know fat-ass is tricking you, right?" asked Kyle as he washes his face. Stan glanced at Kyle and then Cartman. "Cartman's just tricking you as always..." Mumbled "Kyle", rolling his eyes at classic Cartman. "You're going to believe and at the end of his plan, he's going to look at you and laugh and say that you were an idiot"
"oh geez" mumbled Butter's twirling his fingers around nervously. "Kyle's right" mumbled Leopold, looking down. Everyone placed their gaze upon good old Butter's, glaring at him before Stan and Kyle looked at now "Cartman". The ginger grabbed some paper towels and dried his face, he scrunched the ball in hands and stared at it, then glared at Stan. "Remember... when you called my hat dumb? and you patted me on the back and said it wasn't?" asked Kyle and threw the paper in the bin. "you smiled at me and we left... we rushed to Mr. Garrison that we could prove that two males could raise an egg...." Green eyes pierce into Stan and Kyle walked off, exiting the bathroom. "Oh, dear" mumbled Butter's and looked, in his eyes, at Stan and Cartman. Kyle growls and confronts Butter's grabbing his shirt tightly and then shoving him to the wall. "ah!" screams Leopold, shaking in fear.
"I told you that, Butter's! why dod you tell him?? why did you tell Cartman that?!!" screams Kyle as he shook Butter's back and forth while the little blonde yelps and cries in fear. The once ginger boy with freckle so abundant now filled with rage, betrayed and beaten. He shook Butter's so roughly that Stan had to use full force to pull what he thought was his friend off Butter's. Brown eyes other then Butter's glanced at Stans in a furor panic. Kyle opens his mouth but all he could do was pant and feel stitches engrave in his side, burning and twisting...
"Fuck off, Cartman" mumbled Stan and held Butter's hand, leading him out the bathroom with Kyle shaking his head slowly, letting out a sob as he felt torn... Kyle looked in the mirror and hen his hands. he looked at the clock and sucks in a breath. Kyle was at square one...With some determination the Jew dried his tears and rushed out the bathroom, rushing down the halls until he saw himself... If Kyle had to play with Cartman then he needed to be Cartman. one step at a time, he approached: Kyle, Stan, and Butter's... He felt sick, bewildered and scum... yet these feelings increased when the words managed to slip out of his slick, disgusting mouth and when kyle had to smile.... it was like paper slitting at the corners, painful and unruly...
"nanananan! hahaha! I got you~! nanana~!" Came out Cartman's own mouth but the words haunt Kyle...And so... It began...

South Park One shots!
FanfictionSouth Park One Shots! Like south Park? Like ships? Love reading?? Please read and enjoy, give me votes, suggestions/comments and never forget to know how important is to read and explore the imagination of the mind! *Requests allowed! *PMs Allowe...