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Dear Midnight,
Did it take away the pain? Did it really? When you drew a blade across your skin, did it take away the pain? Did eating one measly lettuce leaf a day take away your pain?

Why didn't I notice? It seems to me that now you're gone, I notice it all. But why now? Why not sooner? Why hadn't I noticed it when you were slowly killing yourself? Why didn't I notice you getting thinner and thinner and always wearing long sleeves, even in the summer?

Why am I such an arse of a friend? I was supposed to take care of you, Midnight.

Why do people only notice the sufferings of others when they're gone? Why do people only say the kind words when they're gone? Why can't they say it when the person is still alive? Why is it that only when the person is gone, do we notice their presence?

I'm never getting any answers, aren't I? If you were here you'd tell me.

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