Gossip Boy

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I stare down at the floor, trying to block out everything my friends are talking about. It isn't easy of course, but I can already feel the heat rushing to my face and I can't risk any more colour to my cheeks, because they might notice, and blushing is not a good look.
Apparently there was a death girl sentenced to public prosecution for feeling love. And honestly something inside can't but help but stress. What if it's Laia? Every inch of me cries out for answers. I have to find out what's going on. I need to know who this girl is. Because if it's Laia, I need to know. I need to do something before it's too late.
Perhaps I'm being over-protective? Possibly. But I can't help that. It's natural for me to feel this way. Especially since I'm a white, my natural desire is too protect, care for and save others. And Laia, well, even though I hardly know her, I can't but feel she was put in my life for a reason.
Then I hear something that catches my attention again, and it's something that fills me with red hot anger. My friend Dan's words are echoing in my head, "Well sounds like she deserved it! What a rebel!" He had laughed.
I don't even know why it bothers me so much... perhaps it's just the fact that he's insulting her... I don't know.
But whatever it was, it's enough to make me lash out a slap at him. Dan spins around in horror and stares at me with deep, wide brown eyes. He is very handsome, but he has never properly dated, and it's a funny thing, because he's been asked out multiple times. I cross my arms across my chest and he tilts his head a little. He seems worried.
"You right there Ash?" He asks. "What's wrong?"
I shake my head. "Nothing... it just wasn't a very kind thing to say."
He gives me a funny look but shrugs it off pretty soon. He's good like that.
A few other friends in our smallish friendship group saw too, but most of them left it be when they saw Dan's act of easy forgiveness.
A group of girls walk past, turning they eyes on Dan and giggling. One of them jumps out of the group enthusiastically.
"Don't mind them, Dan." She says, flicking her blonde wavy hair off her shoulder. "They've just been a little hyped up on sugar. The ICT teacher is leaving you know, so she's giving out free sherbet."
Dan nods slowly, he's completely dazed, staring at her fondly. "Hey... hey Callista..." He stumbles on his words.
I smile. Of all the girls he can choose from, he likes Callista. I swear she likes him back. She just leaves him guessing. Girls seem to like that kind of thing. At least, they're always playing with love in movies and stuff...
Callista giggles teasingly. She knows Dan likes her. It is obvious by far.
"Hey Callista." I say. It's easy for me, I've never liked a girl before I met Laia, it just wasn't really something I thought about.
She nods toward me in response, smiling bright and broad. I have to admit, she is rather pretty.
"So watcha doing?" She asks, swaying her hips to each of the syllables.
"Look." Says Dan, holding out the crumpled up sticky note. He's seemed to have regained his confidence.
Callista states down at it eagerly. Another thing I've noticed about most girls is that they love gossip. Some make me wonder whether or not they could live without it.
After a few seconds, her mouth is wide open. "The poor girl!" She exclaims.
"Finally! Someone with a little understanding!" I mumbled to myself.
"And the poor guy too! That'd be a horrible thing to hear!"
I've had enough. I have to tell someone.
"It's me." I squeak. Man, what a way to let it spill Ash...
The two of them stare in horror.
"What?!" Dan cries.
"I am the guy. Her name is Laia. She saved me." I stare down at the floor in embarrassment and my face goes red again.
Callista gapes at me and Dan looks as if he's about to burst.
"I... I am the reason she's going to die." Tears swell in my eyes and my voice shakes. This is a lot harder than I thought it'd be.
"Oh Ash." Says Callista. "I'm so sorry."
Dan places his hand on my shoulder and shoves it a little in a playful manner.
I was glad no one asked what I was doing to get myself in a position where my life was in danger. In fact, I thought I was off the hook completely until Dan spoke up. "We gotta do something." He said, staring at the ground.
What does he mean? Do what?
"A petition!" Suggests Callista. "That should do the trick! A little old fashioned democracy!"
Buts Dan shakes his head. "We could try, but it probably won't work. This is the Dark World we're talking about here. Whatever we're doing, we need to do it quick. We're already short on time."
What are they saying? They're planning to fight to save my crush?
"Thanks... thanks guys."
"No worries dude." Jokes Dan.
There is a long silence. Then it hits me. And all I can do is nod and smile. "Guys, I have a plan."

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