Chapter3: Training lab

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"Gasta tensho!!!!!" I blew the attack at Sam.

"Dance! Kikara!" She said dodging my attack.

A lot of zanpatos appeared and targeted straight at me. I hit one out of the way,but they were coming to fast.

"Urgh!." I was hit.

"Roderick!!!" Sam yelled.

She let her guard down.

I disappeared. "A clone!?" Sam said.

I appeared behind her and went for a stab attack. She blocked then tried to kick me, she missed because she wasn't looking at me properly and I took advantage of that. I took control and beated her zanpato out of her hand using my expert swordsmanship.
"Ouch!" Me showing her no mercy I swished my zanpato side ways,she jumped over then she tried to punch me from mid air.

I blocked it with my hand and kicked her back down on the ground. She dashed toward her zanpato, I stopped her by getting ahead and I went for a tripping kick sweep,she leap frogged over me.

"Clone jutsu!!" I yelled a clone appeared in front of her and kicked her in the air.

A fireball hit my clone,and Ryan joined the match.

"Two against one... that's not fair." I said as I clinched my zanpato.

Ryan tossed Sam hers.

"clone -" Sam ran towards me and swung her sword up then down with power. I dodged it then Ryan jumped up behind me and ready to deliver a fire punch. I blocked it with my arm.

"Shhhhissh ouch that Burns." I said.

"Dance kikara!" More swords appeared.

I crossed over Ryan and tried to use him as a shield. Sam controlled them with Kikara; her zanpato, and steered around towards me. I spinned my zanpato. I blocked them then I tripped Ryan but he caught himself with his fire then he threw a fire ball at me close distance.

"Ahh!" The Burns are starting to hurt.

Sam ran towards me." Clone jutsu!" My clone attacked her.

I punched Ryan he blocked then he spinned me and threw me at the wall. I caught my self and bounced back. I came back with a karate kick he ducked under then I spinned myself and my zanpato cut him on his back

"Arragh!!" Ryan yelled.

I didn't mean to cut him deep, his body heated up again. Then he summoned his fire cloak. He came at me punching, kicking, throwing fire at me. I dodged some but I took some blows too. He jabbed, I ducked under and flipped him over me at the wall.

"Clone jutsu!" I yelled.

The clone was helping me put energy of chakra in my hand preparing for one of my special attacks... the Chakra Sphere. Ryan seen what I was doing then charged up a fire ball in his hand. It started to get hotter and hotter,then the fire on his body was starting too form in his hand. Then it started to turn blue. I was ready. He ran towards me fast. I did the same.

"Arrraaagggg!!!!!!!!!!" He roared.

"Aaaaahhhh!!!!!! TAKE THIS!!!!!" I pulled my ball of chakra and connected with his fire ball.

Then as it seem like I was gonna win I realized that the my chakra fueled his fire and it backed fired on both of us.

*Booooooommmmm!!!!!!!!* The explosion knocked me and Ryan back.

"Never do this again." I said.

"Yep." He rose a thumbs up.

Then we both passed out. When we came too Sam was over us.

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