Meeting chalulu

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Austin added Brandon,Edwin, Zion , and Nick

Austin: Hello

Brandon: Sup Porter

Edwin: Hola amigos

Zion: Wassup niggas

Nick: Hi

Chalulu: Hi 😁

Brandon: Who the fuck is that

Edwin: That's my panda bear

Chalulu: I am a skunk you dumbass

Edwin: Sometimes I get confused Jesus

Austin: So what's the skunks name?

Edwin: Chalulu

Nick: Are we gonna ignore the fact that the skunk can fucking text

Zion: imma bounce PEACE ✌🏽

Zion left the groupchat

Austin: I'm so fucking confused

Chalulu: I have a name

Edwin added Zion

Zion: Nobody gives a fuck about your name

Chalulu: You is rude

Zion left the groupchat
Edwin left the groupchat
Austin left the groupchat
Nick left the groupchat

Chalulu: Brandon I guess it's jus-
Brandon left the groupchat

Chalulu: They are so fucking rude

Sorry this is short I promise I will make more I am just very tired 😴

Meeting chaluluWhere stories live. Discover now