The Park

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Melonie woke up at 8:37 am on Monday morning. It was the middle of summer, so she didn't have to go to school. Instead, she texted her friends Elizabeth Wolf and Zenia Klyson.

Melonie 💚: heyyyy. Park anyone?

Eliza 💜: Sure! I'd love too!

Zenia ❤: yes!

Melonie wad glad they had both agreed. Although, she was surprised Eliza had agreed. Normally Eliza had some fan event to do, as the TV show she played a character in was finally starting to gain more poplularity. But today she had time.

Melonie got up out of bed and went over to her dresser. She pulled out a blue crop top shirt and her favorite pair of white pants. She got dressed and put on her shoes and left the house. She suddenly felt the need to go to the bathroom, but she'd already left the house and figured she could hold it for a while, so she kept on her way.

When she got to the park she saw her friends already waiting for her. "Hallo!" She said running up to them.

After they greeted eachother they began walking along the trails. The park was beautiful during the summer. But Melonie felt her bladder getting fuller and knew she would have a problem later, but that was future Melonie's problem.

They kept going for about an hour and finally got to the center of the park, which just happened to be a fountain for throwing coins into. Melonie felt the pain getting worse and wished she hadn't drank three water bottles.

To Melonie's relief, they began to walk away from the fountain. But they hadn't gotten out of earshot before they where stopped.

Two teenage girls, one human and one a werewolf like Eliza and Melonie, saw them and came running over and started pestering Eliza about her show.

"Oh my gosh! You're Lyka from God Runners, aren't you!" The werewolf girl shouted. Dispite Eliza's trying to calm them down, they where very busy fangirling.

Melonie tried to keep walking, to get away from the fountain, but Zenia pulled her back. "It'd be rude to ditch our friend, just because she's talking to her fans." She said.

Melonie felt awful, like she was about to burst. Eliza finally got the girls to calm down and to leave, and they went on. Angie and Eliza talked, and Melonie wanted to join in, but was using all her foucus on keeping her pee inside her, that she couldn't really litsen to what the other's where saying.

They got to the park's petting zoo, and Eliza gave Zenia her phone so they could take pictures for Eliza's instagram page. Melonie went up to the worker and asked where the nearest bathroom was.

"It's just over there." The worker said, pointing around the corner. Melonie headed that way, but when she got there the bathroom had a sign on the door that said 'out of order'.

Melonie didn't know what to do and she certainly didn't want to wet her pants. As she stood there thinking, she felt a little bit of pee come out and She panicked. She quickly looked around and spotted a large bush nearby and quickly shuffled over to it and hid behind it.

Melonie frantically tried to unbutton her pants so she could pee behind the bush, but was having a hard time. The button was putting pressure on her bladder and to her dismay, just as she got the button undone, the flood gates gave way.

Melonie was so surprised when it happened that it took her a full 20 seconds to realize she was peeing herself. Not knowing what else to do, she squatted down behind the bush, not bothering to take off her pants. She kept going for a full 3 minuets, relived that she was finally able to go.

When she was done, she stood up and came to another problem. She had just wet her pants and didn't have another pair. On top of that, she was with friends, one of which she'd had a huge crush on since 7th grade.

She heard voices calling out her name. Her friends where looking for her. She rebuttoned her pants and thought of possible salutions.

If it had been fall or winter, she would have had a sweater she could tie around her waist to hide the dark spot, but it was summer. She could just take off her pants, but she was in a public area and didn't want to be seen like that.

She came out from behind the bush, thinking she'd just leave and text her friends later that she'd thrown up or something, but Zenia spotted her and dragged Eliza over.

Zenia noticed Melonie's pants and asked "what happened?" And Melonie explained what had happened, feeling more and more embarassed. Zenia and Eliza where sympathetic, but Eliza's face was very red. She was embarassed for Melonie.

Melonie felt her heart drop. Her accident had made her crush feel uncomfortable. Melonie decided to call it a day and went home. Extremely embarassed with herself.

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