Bed Wetting

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Eliza had a habit of wetting the bed when she was younger. Of course, she didn't ever really think about that now. She hadn't wet the bed since she was 12, which was, dispite what most people thought, completely normal. Now age 16, she wasn't worried, a mistake on her part that night.

Eliza went to bed earlier than usual that night, because her older brother, Elliott, had his girlfriend over and didn't want her out. She was laying in bed and really needed to use the restroom, but couldn't risk leaving. She didn't want to get yelled at. She decided to just try to sleep, which she eventually did.

In her dream, she was at her friend's school, which was odd, because she didn't actually go to school there. Eliza was sitting in english taking notes when she all of a sudden really needed to pee. Instead of raising her hand, she kept writing her notes and waiteded for the end of class, trying not to fidget too badly.

The teacher, who Eliza didn't even know, in real life, kept talking, and Eliza kept trying to hold it till the end of class, but when the end of class finally came, she didn't go to the bathroom. Instead, shd got the stuff for her next class and went there instead.

She did this every class, she didn't want to be late to any of them and when the school ended, she left the school. She was now walking through the woods, while in quite a bit of pain from having held her pee in all day.

She kept walking and decided she'd need to find a place to stop and relieve herself, otherwise she'd end up going in her pants. Eliza walked for another 20 minuets, and that's when she started leaking.

Eliza quickly pulled down her pants and panties. She squatted down and let go. It felt so good to finally release all the pressure that had built up in her bladder.

After she finished, she put her clothes back on, and continued walking. She didn't know where she was going, but hoped it was somewhere close. As she was walking, she noticed, uncomfortably that her pants felt rather damp and her legs where warm.

Eliza woke with a start when her alarm went off. Sunlight poured in her window. But to Eliza's dispair, her lower half still felt wet.

She quickly moved her blanket off her lap and saw what she did. Her pants where soaked and there was a large wet spot on her sheets.

Eliza got up out of bed, panicing slightly. She quickly started trying to strip the sheets off of her bed so that they could be washed. After she managed that, she carried them up to the laundry room. She stuck them in the washer and turned to leave, but stopped when she saw Elliott standing in the laundry room doorway.

"Morning," he said watching her "looks like you had a bit of an accident there." Eliza was to embarrassed to respond. She just stood there awkwardly.

"It's okay. It happens to everyone. Go get cleaned up." Elliott said before walking off to the kitchen.

Eliza quickly went straight to the bathroom so she could take a bath, and try to forget that this ever happened.

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