Chapter 1 - Get To Know The Protectors

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Chapter 1 - Get To Know The Protectors

Cassidy's P.O.V.

     "Again!" I shouted. Keith roared in laughter as May shot me a 'drop-dead' look. May pulled out a dagger as I pressed go on the timer. In less than 10 seconds, May had shot all of her daggers in the middle of the target, perfect. I grinned as she looked at me with a look that said 'well, is that better for you?'.

     "Better, but still needs improving," I added to the end of the sentence just to annoy her. I grinned when she groaned at me.

     "Just kidding, it was perfect," I chuckled. May looked at me with another 'drop-dead' look, while Keith just chuckled.

     "Keith, will ya' stop laughing? I swear imma kick you where the sun don't shine," she grunted. I roared in laughter as Keith paled a little.

     "Um, sorry, I actually wanna have kids one day," said Keith whilst cupping his manhood.

     Let me introduce you to the Protectors. Protectors is a union that protect werewolves. We're different from hunters. Hunters kill our fellow werewolves. Protectors are usually half werewolf and half human, so of course we know everything about werewolves. There are only about a total of 24 Protectors in the whole entire world. There are about nine in North America. All of us Protectors are connected in one way or another.

     Let me introduce you to my left hand person, Keith Ryan. I found Keith one day in the woods, alone. Unlike May and me, he can actually shift. He's half human and half werewolf. His mum is human whilst his father is werewolf. His parents died by rogues, blood-thirsty rogues that is. Keith can be intimidating because of his muscular features, but you never want to mess around with Keith, he's got one tough exterior, but once you get to know him, he's a childish person. Keith uses his claws as a weapon. Since he can shift, I taught him how to fight in his wolf form. Also years ago, when I was a kid, my mum showed me this type of wolfs-bane that can be tipped off. I found a lot of it years ago, so when we find rogues or hunters harming packs, Keith tips off his claws with the wolfs-bane and slashes them, the wolfs-bane slowly mixes with the claw mark and burns the body, basically.

     My right hand person, May Smith. One person you never want to mess around with no matter what. She hates rogues and hunters with passion. Her mum was the werewolf whilst her father was the human. Years ago, hunters and rogues teamed up to wipe out the packs in England, they killed May's parents along with other packs in England. Keith and I found her wondering around in North America, looking for help, so we took her in and I taught her how to use daggers, pocket knifes, knifes, anything that is knife related basically. May is drop-dead gorgeous, yes, but she's intimidating. She likes to show her tough side so she can basically warn people not to mess with her, but only Keith and I know that she's a big softy under the seriousness.

     Last but not least, me. I'm Cassidy Ruth. I'm like May basically, I only show my tough side when it comes to fighting or interacting with people other than May and Keith. My mum was human, but she was also a Protector. My father was the strongest Alpha, but when my mum died by taking a bullet for him, he slowly died by the pain of the loss of his mate. When my father died, I was only eight. I was still a kid, one day I ran away from home. I'm also part vampire. My mum's family came from a long line of vampires, I inherited the ability of the speed of a vampire from my mum. It only took me two hours to put some distance in between me and my father's pack. I trained myself how to use my mum's silver bow and how to make arrows and use it, of course. The silver arrows I use are tipped off with something stronger than wolfs-bane, Blue Moon Dust. Don't be fooled by the name. It's not a dust, it's a liquid poison that can cut off a werewolf's mind link, abilities, healing, and the connection between your wolf, basically turning you into a human, just a very weak human, it lasts for at-lease two weeks. I also mix Blue Moon Dust with Red-blood flowers, the mix between them is very dangerous. When I use this mix, it turns any rogue or hunter into a pile of dust. Red-blood flowers have a liquid that is located in the stem that burns your body, literally, Red-blood liquid plus Blue Moon Dust plus a rogue or hunter equals a pile of dust.

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