Хвана ме ужасен страх...!
"As Shakespeare suggested, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking
makes it so." Consciously or otherwise, our attitudes affect the way we perceive
everything that happens in our lives, so that the life we experience often has
more to do with the way we interpret what happens than with the events
themselves. Nobody wants to get sick; illness can be uncomfortable, sometimes
excruciatingly so. But if we wind up in bed with a bad cold or with something
more serious, we nonetheless have choices about how we will view the
experience. We can once again perceive ourselves as victims, dwell on all of the
things we are unable to do, and feel terribly sorry for ourselves—or we can treat
the situation as a blessing in disguise. Being unexpectedly incapacitated may
actually leave us feeling unexpectedly relieved, temporarily free from everyday
pressures. We can take advantage of the opportunity to rest, to take stock, to
catch up on some of the quieter activities we may have neglected, or simply to
be good to ourselves. Realizing that we often (77) take for granted both our
health and the precious time we have been given in this life, we may develop a
fresh appreciation for both, making each day that much more fulfilling.
In other words, as the cliché goes, we can perceive the glass as half-empty or
half-full. Our choice will determine the world we experience and will color the
way we feel about ourselves and others."
-Няма кой знае каква стойност или смисъл това....
"When looking toward the
future, we imagine the worst, becoming so busy worrying or trying to protect
ourselves that we neglect to enjoy ourselves along the way. Rather than turning
to others, we brace ourselves for disappointment and withdraw from the joyful
opportunities of life. When our expectations are not met or when our plans are
disrupted, we feel sorry for ourselves and angry with those we think are
responsible, often using these reverses to justify our own unfinished work,
broken promises, or neglected responsibilities.
Changing such self-defeating attitudes is essential to recovery, but we have to
be honest with ourselves. There is no value in pretending to have a sunny
outlook when we really perceive a situation to be painful or frightening, or when
we feel the world is a gloomy place. We are seeking genuine change, not denial.
And the first step in changing our negative attitudes is becoming aware of them,
a process that rarely happens overnight."
- Аз съм честен с другите и с себе си... колко повече от това... лъжа ли е?
Болното ми съзнание?
Лъжа ли е?
"One obstacle over which many of us stumble as we attempt to battle this
disease of attitudes is our own expectations. There is no better way to make
ourselves feel victimized and helpless than by harboring unrealistic expectations
of ourselves and others, or by confusing expectations with needs and insisting
that they be met. Attaching our well-being to a particular action or outcome is
very risky. In essence, we make that situation a kind of higher power—we give
our power over to other people and circumstances. At any moment, a turn of
events could dash the dreams and plans upon which we've built our lives.
Life is far too uncertain for such misplaced faith. So it is in our best interest to
examine our expectations. Are they realistic, or based in fantasy? Do we hold
them loosely, with the flexibility to let them go or to make adjustments as further
information comes along, or do we cling tightly to these flimsy ideas and invest
our self-worth, our entire well-being in them? If we allow our expectations to
dominate, we set ourselves up to be victims or martyrs again and again.
But here, too, we have the ability to change our attitudes. We can adjust our
expectations so that they are more realistic. We can also detach from them,
anchoring our well-being and peace of mind in our Higher Power rather than any
external situation. By seeking only the knowledge of God's will for us and the
power to carry that out (Step Eleven), we make great strides toward developing
an unshakeable inner peace and a sense of security that cannot be threatened by
mere circumstances."
-Започвам да заспивам... става ми скучно....стана като библията...
Как да го чета като роман като интелектуална гледна точка...
Малко малумно... е
Казва неща които вече знам
Аланон книгата върви... и ходи по релсите на мойто знание
По скоро да умра от скука...
Като чета аланон книга
Чел ли си библията?
Скучна е
И е тъпа...
Аланон - айде няма да коментирам... че пак ще се разсърдиш!
"Al-Anon recovery is about reclaiming our own lives. We do this by learning
to focus on ourselves, build on our strengths, and ask for and accept help with
our limitations. But many of us find it difficult even to begin this self-focused
process because we have lost track of the separation between ourselves and
others, especially the alcoholic. Having interceded for so long on the alcoholic's
behalf, constantly reacting, worrying, pleasing, covering up, smoothing over, or
bailing him or her out of trouble, we have often taken upon our shoulders
responsibilities that don't rightfully belong to us. The result is that we lose the
sense of where we leave off and the alcoholic begins. We have become so
enmeshed with another persons life and problems that we have lost the
knowledge that we are separate individuals. When asked about ourselves, we
often respond by talking about the alcoholic. We perceive ourselves to be so
connected that, if something happens to the alcoholic, it seems only right, only
natural, for us to respond.
Many of us even confuse this absence of personal boundaries with love and
caring. For example, from the moment the alcoholic goes out the door, we sit,
immobilized, unable to do anything but think obsessively about him or her. We
lose the ability to distinguish between the alcoholic and ourselves until the
alcoholic's past, current, and potential actions become our sole focus. This is not
love; it's obsession. When we cease to live our own lives because we are so
preoccupied with the lives of others, our behavior is motivated by fear. Not only
is it harmful to a relationship to hover anxiously or suspiciously over a loved one
night and day, it is also extremely self-destructive. (83)
Likewise, when we cancel our own plans and stay home because we fear that
the alcoholic will drink if left alone, we may protest that we act out of loving
self-sacrifice for the sake of the alcoholic. More likely, it is an effort to feel that
we have some power over the drinking. The choice to abandon our own plans for
such a purpose is an act of fear, not an act of love. Canceling plans and staying
home to avoid the consequences of "defying" the alcoholic is another form of
self-abandonment and has nothing to do with love"
-Абе вече се изнервям кой идиот е писал тази книга...
МИТКО ОТ АЗСЛ - ЗАЕТ (Преди... както и понякога)
Нямам желание да съм наранявам...
Тази книга ми докара клинична мозъчта криза... губя сън за аланон баломий...
Спикъри - Идиоти имат какво да споделят на кратко..
Висша сила - Порасни бе
(Какво сега... инвентар е... аз съм болен както и всеки следващ човек...)
Стига сте бегали от реалността...
Въпроса е какво още не знам по темите на аланон също така + защо го правя... и как спра лошите поведения?
От youtube + twitter научавам повече неща отколкото от тук.
"Now that we are working to improve our lives, we may want to stop making
promises and threats we will not carry out. For example, swearing that the
alcoholic will have to leave if he or she ever takes another drink undermines our
credibility if it is merely an idle threat. Before uttering such vows, we would be
wise to ask ourselves whether or not we mean what we say. We may also have to
learn to say "no" some of the time, even if it means disappointing others, even
when the request is important to them. Such honesty is not only good for us, it's
much more respectful of other people than grudgingly offered favors laced with
Some of us keep our wants, needs, thoughts, and feelings to ourselves,
expecting that anyone who truly loved us would somehow (95) figure them out,
or at least ask the right questions at the right time. But people, even those who
love us a great deal, cannot always guess what is in our hearts and minds, nor is
it their job to do so. Part of our obligation to ourselves is to stop putting life on
hold while waiting for others to allow us to live it."
- Аа това вече е интересно...
Аз бях съден...
Сега е време други хора да бъдат осъдени... време е
С какво се различавам аз от нормално семейство...
Отговор: една бухалка и болен разум
Пълен съм не човешка агресия
Звяр... чудовище ставам!
"Some of us keep our wants, needs, thoughts, and feelings to ourselves,
expecting that anyone who truly loved us would somehow (95) figure them out,
or at least ask the right questions at the right time. But people, even those who
love us a great deal, cannot always guess what is in our hearts and minds, nor is
it their job to do so. Part of our obligation to ourselves is to stop putting life on
hold while waiting for others to allow us to live it. "
Значи казваш "спри"... и спираш...
На базата на какво?
И с какво я заместваш?
Какви заместители има
Кой еба на края?
С кой ще излизам?
Кой ми е приятел?
На кой мога да си доверя?
И пак ли ще бъда разочарован и излъган!?
"Sometimes we may hesitate to speak out because we fear the consequences of
doing so, yet we overlook the consequences we pay by keeping quiet. Such
silence can perpetuate our frustration, reinforce our fear of conflict, and cause us
to believe that what we have to say really is unimportant. In this way, we
demonstrate a lack of respect for ourselves and for other people. All we have to
offer to anyone is ourselves. If we hold back and timidly refuse to risk being
ourselves, we diminish our relationships.
It is worth noting, however, that if we are dealing with someone who is drunk
or violent, this kind of honesty may be ill-advised. Real communication requires
at least some participation by both parties, and if one of those parties is not in his
or her right mind, the effort is likely to be wasted. It may even be dangerous. In
such a case, talking things over with a Sponsor can help us determine an
appropriate course of action."
-Ако си видял бой и агресия като мен от тази страна в такива обстановки здравословни ... нормални хора не се появяват в такиви обстоятелства...
Трябва ти купол от болки за да разбереш болка!
"Likewise, those of us who rarely have anything constructive or positive to say
may have to be quiet until we can find a more balanced way to talk to others. If
the only attention we have ever received was critical or negative, we may know
no other way to relate to others. But such negativity is destructive. Gossip is
equally destructive. Not only do we avoid focusing on ourselves when we
gossip, but our disrespect for others reinforces self-defeating attitudes about
relationships. When we gossip, we create a judgmental and competitive
atmosphere in which no one can feel comfortable about being themselves or
expressing feelings. Because gossip undermines Al-Anon's healing nature, it is
considered one of three obstacles to success in Al-Anon. The other obstacles—
dominance and discussion of inappropriate topics such as specific religious
tenets at Al-Anon meetings—are also communication problems that we need to
take seriously if we hope to grow and heal in Al-Anon. Pausing before we speak
and thinking about what we are really trying to say can be the beginning of
healthier interactions.
On the other hand, cold, angry silence can be more biting than vicious words.
Are we silent because it is in our best interest to say nothing or because we have
nothing to say, or are we using silence as a weapon? Here, too, care must be
taken to be clear about our motives."
- Охо добро утро...
Тия уроди казват че изучават и...
Какво "examine".. какво правите... празни недодялини кратуни...
