А ... на агресията?

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Ако кажеш анализите са ми глупости...

Съвсем същото ти за твойте измислици на висша сила!"Most of us came to Al-Anon to cope with a specific, alcohol-related problem.

When we first learned a new Al-Anon principle or practice, we immediately
applied it to that most troubling area of our lives. But as we recover, as

alcoholism and its effects no longer dominate our thoughts, we find that these
spiritual principles apply not only to alcoholic situations, but to all aspects of our
lives. An Al-Anon slogan can help to resolve a conflict with a co-worker; a Step
may clarify what actions we need to take in a legal dispute or may identify a
long-buried desire and make it possible to achieve; a Tradition can guide us in
establishing household rules or running a business meeting. In Al-Anon's book,
...In All Our Affairs, members from all over the world speak of the many
difficult situations that often accompany alcoholic relationships—infidelity,
financial problems, physical and sexual abuse, divorce, and other challenges—
and the Al-Anon principles that helped them to cope.
Al-Anon offers us so much more than a handful of problem-solving
techniques for dealing with alcoholic relationships. In time, we also discover
principles that can guide us through uncertainty and open doors to opportunities
we never dreamed of. Our futures are unwritten books. With the help of the
Twelve Steps and the other Al-Anon principles, we will fill those pages with a
life that is rich in love, constructive action, and spiritual well-being. (65)"

-Хубаво е за ушите... хубаво е да се чуе това!

""Keep It Simple"
When coping with the baffling and often overwhelming effects of alcoholism,
the simpler and more straightforward the approach, the better. The slogan. "Keep
It Simple," makes just that point. When life seems unmanageable or confusing,
many of us unknowingly complicate matters even further by trying to anticipate
everything that could go wrong, so that we will be prepared to respond. This
slogan reminds us that we can't control every possible outcome to every
situation and that trying to do so makes our lives more difficult and more
stressful than they already are. When we "Keep It Simple," we try to take things

at face value, looking at what is actually happening rather than the 50 things that
might or might not follow. Perhaps we can approach large projects and
challenges slowly, step by step, in manageable stages rather than all at once.
Sometimes we must act with haste, but not every new task or unexpected event
is a crisis. Our initial, fearful responses may arise more from habit rather than
necessity. In time, we learn that if we are feeling paralyzed and overwhelmed,
we may be complicating matters or taking on more than we can handle for this
moment or this day, and that we may have better luck by simplifying what we
are trying to accomplish. We can relax and try to be more gentle with ourselves,
trusting that by putting one foot in front of the other, we will eventually get
where we are going."

-За господ няма какво да кажа освен че се е изпразнил като значение и като дефиниция

Също така хубамо е да се чуе "Карай лека по лека"... хубав слоган

"This is not a failure, only a reality. It is not always our job to solve every
problem. Perhaps we are expecting too much of ourselves or others. In fact, we
may know everything we need to know for this day. If and when the time is
right, more will be revealed. "Easy Does It" reminds us that a gentler approach
might make a tough situation much more bearable.
Or maybe we are trying to take on something that is not our responsibility.
Struggling harder will only make things more difficult. But if we adopt a kinder,
more relaxed attitude, we may be able to see the situation more clearly and act
more appropriately."

- Доста важно!

Ама е трудно за подържане и да стоиш в такъв баланс... живеем..в свят в който такъв баланс не съществува...

Не може това да се отрече!


Понякога е важно и доста помага да обвиниш друг...
Не съм виновен че съм дисфункционален, болен... зависим... съзависим... просто не съм виновен за тези недъзи на мойта природа.

(Мисля че книгите доста ще ми помогнат)

"Even if we decide that the situation is important, we can ask ourselves
whether it is important today. Are we living in the unknown future, worrying
about things that may never come to pass? Today is all we have. Why waste this
precious gift of time on trivial concerns when we could be appreciating the fact
that we have everything that we truly need? The perspective we gain when we
apply this slogan makes it possible to set aside petty worries, minor irritations,
and baseless judgments so that we might celebrate the extraordinary richness and
wonder that life offers."

-Има ли споделяние по тази тема?

Мойта висша сила е групата...шегите...
Сутрешната божия агресия

Понякога тишинага помага други пъти не помага..
Като шегиге... някой са смешни... други не са!

- Мисленето е острие което може да ни унищожи но и може да ни помогне.

"This is a two-part slogan. In dealing with alcoholism, many of us focus most
intently upon the latter part of the slogan, the "let live" part. Having felt so
overly responsible for other people's choices and actions, it can be a great
struggle to grant others the dignity to make decisions for themselves and allow
them to deal with the results. We use this slogan as a reminder to get off their
backs and "let" them live. In this way, everyone benefits. The people in our lives
benefit because they are finally receiving the respect that is every person's due.
Now they are free to enjoy the fruits of their positive efforts and to reap the
consequences of their more destructive behavior. Regardless of what they
choose to do about it, by minding our own business and getting out of the way,
we allow others to be themselves. Meanwhile, we free ourselves from all kinds
of burdens that were never ours to carry. Thus, we, too, have the opportunity to
face ourselves.
That's where the other part of this slogan comes in—the "Live" part. Many of
us have suffered a great deal of neglect as a result of the family disease of
alcoholism, much of it from ourselves. Distracted or consumed by the problems
of others, we have neglected our own bodies, minds, and spirits."

-Не знам за господ... или висша сила...
Но neglect от близи, приятели и вкъщи е най дебелото шило което моя организъм получавал.

"How often have we seen a particular event or even an entire week as either all
good or all bad? If the alcoholic drank, or if a friend was depressed, our day was
ruined. Likewise, if it rained on the day we had looked forward to a picnic, we
were miserable. Now that we are in Al-Anon and learning to focus on ourselves,
we find that our world is neither all black nor all white. Now, the difference
between a good day or a bad day has little to do with what happens or with what
other people do or feel. We can have a good day in sunny or stormy weather,
when everything goes according to our plans or when dinner is burnt and we run
out of milk and the cash machine eats our bank card. We can even have a good
day while the alcoholic in our lives is still drinking, because today we know that
the kind of day we have depends on our own attitudes."

-Понякога е трудно даже не възможно... даже дебелашко... его... и живот накрая като сланина е негативизъм...
Ако ни си изпитвал омраза и агресия към другите в съзнатието... незнаеш другата страна на зависимостта...
Просто не знаеш!

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