Chapter 1

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Me and my husband, as well as our friends were all chatting with each other. He enjoyed my surprise very much with a few close friends, Nathan was the greatest man I've ever met. We started dating when I was in university, we met at this coffee shop where I had spilt my drink on him. Although he is a multi-billionaire, in my eyes he was just an ordinary man that stole my heart. The man I had spilt my coffee on. Now I am twenty four and already married, it's great how my birthday is near the end of the year because I feel younger compare to other people born the same year as me. We live in this amazing modern home that is way too big for my liking, and I stay at home renovating our house with Nathan's construction crew to make it my certain way because I want it to feel like my own.

"Thanks babe for everything," Nathan whispers in my ear.

"I love you and I hope you enjoyed your birthday," I smile at him taking in all the features that made me fall for him. His brown hair that was slicked to the side set in place like perfection, his brown eyes that drew me in, his stubble that was cut cleanly, his toned muscular body and the nice olive skin. He was truly mesmerizing.

"Hope? I certainly did enjoy my birthday, you made it the best." Nathan smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Happy birthday man," Luc, Nathan's best friend slaps his shoulder and he acknowledges me and nods.

"It's so nice of you to do this Alina," Sarah one of my good friends that I met through Nathan said.

"It's been awhile since we've all came together as a group like this." Matt said, he was Nathan's childhood best friend and they knew each other basically their whole lives.

"We should do this more often, it's been way too long. I'd like to do this before this little guy comes," Lana says while pointing to her seven months pregnant belly, Matt and Lana are finally having a child together after trying for so long. They always lost hope, but I always encouraged them to keep trying.

"Yes, but first I have a present for you Nathan." I smile excited to see his reaction to it.

"What more could you have done for me women? You've been spoiling me all day!" He says in the most happy mood ever.

"Just wait, let me go get it," I say leaving the room to head for our bedroom.

This morning I had found out that I was pregnant, just four weeks in and it was the best news that I've ever gotten in my life. My mom and step dad disowned me after I wanted to pursue a different career, my step dad just manipulated my mom and I haven't seen her in ten years. This child was going to feel so much love by me an Nathan, I just couldn't wait!

Before, I worked two jobs while managing school to pay for my tuition and a cheap unappealing rental room. At least I made it. My hands were shaking like crazy and fumbling in my drawers to retrieve the pieces of the gift to put it in a little bag for Nathan. Finally grabbing everything, putting them in the bag quickly, I heard footsteps behind me and the door close.

"Nathan, I told you to wait-" I said turning around but stopped when I was met with somebody else. "Oh, Luc it's you, what are you doing up here?"

"I was actually looking for you," he says smiling.

"Well I'm just about to go down stairs to give Nathan his gift," I tell him and he starts to take a few steps towards me.

"How about we stay up here for a little bit?" He gives me a smirk that makes me feel uncomfortable and puts his hands on my hips.

"What are you doing Luc?" My voice coming out in low and scared.

"I've always wanted you Alina, ever since I've laid eyes on you. I could give you the exact same things that Nathan offers you. You're so sexy..." he trails off and starts to kiss my neck.

"What are you doing Luc?" I say putting my hands to his chest trying to push him off but he is too strong, his hands move under my grey t-shirt.

Before anything else can happen the sound of the door opening echoes the room, "what the fuck is going on here?" Nathan vocalizes in a tone pure of anger and confusion.

He lands a punch on Luc's face, "what the fuck Luc? This is my god damn fucking wife?"

"It's not only me that should be taking your anger! She provoked me, she wanted it as well Nathan! She kept hinting to me and came on to me saying how she was getting tired of you and the sex." Luc says in a believable tone and framing me for this. Seriously. What is going on in his mind? This was the total opposite of what I thought, our sex life was amazing and I love Nathan with all my heart.

Nathan looks directly into my eyes, "I swear I didn't do anything Nathan, I would-" he cuts me off yelling.

"How could you fucking do this to me? I gave you everything you asked for or wanted! We've been together for five years and just got married, how could you do this to me?" His voice cracked as those words left his mouth.

"I didn't, Nathan you have to belie-" I pleaded while tears drip down my face like a waterfall only to be cut off again.

"Sarah was right when she said something seemed fishy with you! Wait, was this all for my money?" After a few seconds of thinking, he continued, "you are disgusting to me, a gold digging slut." His voice came out really harsh, if only he believed me. It never ever hurt me when random people said that, I just ignored them and Nathan would reassure me. This was different, these words being said by him only hit my like knives being thrown repeatedly at one spot until it broke. Was I a slut..?

"Why are you believing him? This is not what it looks like, I love-" I try to get through to him dropping the gift bag while putting my palms on his cheeks.

Nathan quickly backs away taking my hands off. "You're fucking disgusting to me, I never want to see you again Alina. Grab your fucking gift and purse and leave! I never want to see you again! Don't think about even contacting me or any of us because it will never work. Your schemes and lies are pathetic like you. Congratulations. Also leave my credit cards. You're cut off starting now. I can't believe I was fooled, how could I be so stupid to fall in love with you when all you fell in love with was my money..." He says coldly with a straight face, Nathan has never spoke to me in this tone, only to his employees. "You too Luc! Get out!" He spits.

"Nathan, please listen, I'm preg-" I try to tell him but it was of no use.

"I. Said. Get. Out." His sharp tone terrified me and I simply obeyed.

I follow his instructions and leave without looking back, grabbing my car keys and the gift back to my small black car. Without another thought I drive off while tears are streaming down my face, where do I even go? I literally have no one and no money. I had put all of my money into Nathan's account to save for our future kids, now everything was gone within seconds. If only he listened, only the thought of betrayal clouded his mind.

Let me know what you guys think! I'd love to hear it, I've been thinking of new story ideas and have a ton coming for you soon! Yay, haha I'm so excited about writing it. If I'm being completely honest I'm writing just for fun and writing about different genres, so we'll see where this take me. Anyways, have a great day!

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