The Vision

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Joyce headed toward the hospital, driving so fast that she was certain she'd get a speeding ticket. She didn't care, though. All she wanted was to see Hopper. She needed to see him. She needed him to be alright. She hit the gas hard, the wheels on her old car whining. She basically threw her car into a spot in the parking lot, and ran to the door of the hospital. 

Once inside, the smell of antiseptic hit her before the sight of a frantic Murray, pacing the hallway back and forth did. 

"Murray!" she called, waving her hands. 

She ran to him. 

"He's in there." Murray said, pointing to a door down the hallway. 

"Is he going to be okay?" Joyce asked, dreading the answer. 

"I think so," Murray nodded, "you go inside. He's sleeping right now. I just need some air. I'll be right back." 

Joyce knocked on the door. She didn't know what for  - it was just an old habit. 

"Jim?" she said softly as she stepped inside. 

Jim lay on a hospital bed. He was wearing a hospital gown and his eyes were closed. Joyce stepped closer, approaching the bed. 

She lay a hand on Jim's wrist. 

"Joyce?" he said, his eyes slowly opening. 

"Jim! You're awake!" Joyce said, relief surging through her. 

"Ow!" he yelped, touching his forehead. 

"Should I call a nurse?" Joyce asked, worry swallowing her up. 

She was about to leave when he grabbed her wrist tightly, his eyes pleading as he said: "No! I need to talk to you." 

"What?" Joyce asked, confused. 

Hopper sighed. 

"I saw him." 
"Who did you see?" 

"Alexei. I saw Alexei. And he's in trouble. Or he will be. If we don't do something, I'm afraid they'll.."

"Wait, what?" Joyce asked, but she already knew what had happened. Jim had had a vision of their friend, Alexei, and in the vision, something bad had happened to him. That had to be the only explanation. 

"We need to help him. Tonight. They're coming for him. And they will kill him, Joyce. If we don't do something, then..." 

Joyce lay a reassuring hand on Jim's cheek. 

"I'll get Murray." she announced, kissing his forehead before she left the room. 

"Murray!" she called once she was in the hallway.

Murray came running. 

"Something's happening." Joyce told him. 

Once Jim had told Murray about Alexei and the menacing vision, Murray shook with fear. Alexei was Murray's best friend and he loved him. He'd almost lost him once before, when a Russian soldier had shot him. Luckily, Alexei had survived, but only barely. Murray wasn't about to take any chances. 

"So, the Russians have found Alexei? And they're going to break into your home?" Joyce said, as she and Murray drove down the highway. They were heading back home. 

"That's what Jim said." Murray replied.

"And they're going to kill him?" 

"Not if we get there in time." Murray said and sped up the car. 

"But what are we going to do?" Joyce asked, helplessly throwing her arms over her head. 

"Jim gave me his gun. I'd rather not, but if I have to use it, you can damn well count on it - I'll use it. Alexei is my friend, and I'm not about to lose him." Murray said sternly. 

Joyce only nodded. Worry growled in her stomach. She cared about Alexei, too. She wouldn't want to lose him either. She wasn't a fan of guns, but what could she do? These Russian soldiers were merciless, she had seen that herself. She bit her lip. She wished there was another way. She closed her eyes, willing the night to be over. Willing Alexei to be alive, and Hopper to be alright. The universe had taken so much from her - was it about to do it again?

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