™®€hapter 0.1®™The Portals

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                             Present Day
Year: 2029
Month: January
Place: By a big pond in a nice calm forests and was a Dragon drinking water out the pond. 5 years have went by now he is 23 in human years.

"Okay Yoroi. Get it together let's go meet new pokemon or people whatever comes first. Just like that" he smiles at himself in the mirror and grabbed the Dratini necklace he had on and ran out "Hey Ziggy! Pluto go!" He said as he pasted a Zigzagoon and a Pikachu with white spots all over them self. As he walked by everybody he waved and smiled as he saw them. He got to the underground bar and saw a Vaporeon and a Flareon as the waitresses. "Hey Blast and Flare" Yoroi said. He walked to the other side of the bar and went to the employees bathroom.

He changed his clothes. Then walked right back out to the bar to start serving people. "Hey Yoroi" Blast said as she walked up to him. "What's up Blast" He said as he was washing the glass cup. "Nothing much as usual." He said. Blast grabbed the necklace that Yoroi had on his neck. "Hm!" He looked at Blast angrily . "Woah I never seen you get mad here. I just wanted to look at" She said. "You think I haven't heard. You use to steal stuff and sell it" Yoroi said as he grabbed it out of her paw. "Yeah! But I would never steal from you" She said. "Yeah that doesn't mean I trust you." Blast replied . "Yeah. Yeah, Now go back to work Blast" He said to Blast.

They all got back to work. Yoroi served some people it was a few fights, but they we're to drunk to actually fight. The bouncer with was also a dragonite he talked Yoroi about being a bouncer. "Naw Draco. I don't want be a bouncer." Yoroi said looking up at Draco. "Aw come on you get played more and you get to beat other Pokemon." Draco said. "I really don't. I mean I don't get angry much I'm to calm to be a bouncer." Yoroi said rubbing his head in embarrassment. "Okay. Good luck then kid" Draco said as he walks away from Him. "Okay bye!" He said as he waved away at Draco.

It started to get dark which means we they were going to be switched over to the night shift and Yoroi and Flare was always the last one's to leave. " Okay See ya Blast. " Yoroi said. She waved at him and kept walking. "Okay Flare were done should we head out" Yoroi said as he looked at Flare. Flare never talked so he nodded at a Yoroi. "Okay lock it up" He said. Flare did exactly what Yoroi told him to do. They started to walk and Flare stopped a for something.

-Do you have a sister - it said on the chock broad. "Hm! Yeah I do why would you ask that." He said to Flare. -Because of your - -Necklace you have on - - it is half of brother and sister - Flare wrote. "Oh wow your right. But she went bye a long time ago."  He said to Flare looking up at the sky. -I'm sorry for you- Flare wrote and hugged him. "Heh. Thanks Flare" He said as he hugged him back.

Yoroi continued to walk until a big portal appeared right I'm front of his eyes then Giratina came out some how he was getting pulled in. It was like a worm hole. Then every thing went white. He woke up and look around it was just black until a white door appeared in the back of him.He got up and looked at it. He knocked on it and the door slightly opened he could see in and was happening.

"Dratini no..." Yoroi said as he look at his past memories. Until he was shooken and awoken bye five group of kids that were wearing school uniforms. "Hey are you okay" Girl with Brown hair said. She was White and had Brown are eyes and had big cheeks. The other one had green hair and had freckles. One with red and white hair. A blond boy with red eyes. And one with blue hair that had glasses on. "Guys I think we should give some space" The guy with blue hair said.

"Kids what is going on here" I tall strong man that was wearing red white and blue shirt. "Uh this big Dragon was just laying right here when we came in" The boy with the green hair said. "Well let's get him to Recovery girl" the big guy said. They brought him to Recovery girl. They laid him on the bed and Recovery girl looked him. "There's nothing wrong with him. I have nothing to kiss" Recovery girl said. "So what's wrong with him" the boy with the white and red hair said.

Yoroi slowly got up and looked at them. "Where am i" Yoroi said rubbing his head. "Your in Recovery girls office." The big guy said. "Who is that and who are you" Yoroi asked. "You don't know who All Might is" The boy with green hair said. "Nope. WAIT YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M SAYING" Yoroi yelled. They all nodded in confusion "Were not supposed to understand you?" The guy with the blue hair asked. "Uh nevermind. But we're am I. like what region"  Yoroi asked .

"Why would you ask that" The girl with the brown hair asked. "Okay everyone please go to class. Class it's about to start" All might said as closed the door on the way out. "Now tell me young Dragon were do you come from" All might said as he looked back seriously with a blue glowing eye. _______________________________________________
Hmm... Oh yeah check out my editor that edits not only chapters, but also my pictures.

Editor:Don't read Overflow, it's not my worst, but it is definitely old and horrid. I'm surprised it got to 1k.WolfTheKuudere

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