kissing in bunks

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Kissing in bunks

A fuenciado tale

Jo fuenciado

A/N- i do not own anything, thankyou jace for being my beta

I’m there on the back of the r.v, just like old times. Back when we, well I, made a “Mexican sunroof” Damn Jersey with their low bridges. I passed the bunks and ended up at the sliding door that connects to a bedroom. I don’t know what I’m doing here but all I do know is I need to be here. Something is just pulling me here, like I was magnet to it. My hands shake as I go to push the handle, god, why am I so nervous? Next thing I see is the door dissolving and there is Jaime. Jaime is my best friend, the bassist in our band Pierce the Veil. He was standing with his back towards me by the dresser, hunched over something. I try to call his name but nothing came out, I just stood there with my mouth open with no sound passing through my lips. It was like I was in a silent movie. As Jaime turns around, my attention is drawn to these pretty flowers, lilacs. I glace up at the bassist, confused, about to ask what was happening. But when I glanced up his eyes they were so darkened with worry and doubt, it left me even more speechless. That’s when everything started fading, that’s when I saw a crystal tear fall as he whimpered out the words “When a man, gives a lilac, he’s asking a question.” Before I could ask him what was he talking about, and what this question was, the room went completely black. 


When I woke up, it was still dark out, damn, I hate it when I wake up when I should still be asleep. Yet, this dream just won't let me sleep. I rolled out of my bunk, trying hard to forget my very confusing dream. What did Jaime mean? What question was he talking about? Why the fuck was he crying? I know that it was a dream but still. It made me so confused and I just couldn’t shake the feeling of a question needing to be asked. 

I walked into our living/kitchen area and of course everybody was still sleeping, the bus was still dark and relatively clean. This is pretty surprising since we’re four boys plus crew living together on one tour bus. I shuffle over to the fridge, which had nothing inside of it. I open the freezer, which only had  hot pockets. I sigh at the little food choice we have but hey, its tour we usually just hit the drive through, or go out to a club. I tossed the hot pocket in the microwave, now I have three minuets of thinking time. Honestly all I could think about was Jaime, how broken he looked in my dream. I shook my head, I don’t want to ever see him that broken, he’s my best friend so of course I love him. I remember how shaky his hand was holding out the lilacs, how perfect his skin looked. His hands were barely calloused for being in a band. God! What was I doing? Day, well dawn, dreaming about Jaime? I inwardly scolded myself and grabbed my hot pocket from the microwave, taking a bite into the lava core. Great, not only did I burn my whole mouth with it's goodness, I was dawn dreaming about Jaime. This day was not going to be good. 

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