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A few days later, Cher, Will Coleman, Joe Benjamin, Leah Lorano, and I were sent to the hospital with a concussion. We couldn't remember anything at all, but found that we had elemental powers. Joe had earth powers, Cher had chi powers, I had water powers, Will had air powers, and Leah had fire powers. We had forgotten everything about technology, and wore colored robes or tribal-style clothing. We were outcast, and decided to travel about. 

"My feet are tired...." Will complained.

"So, float, dummy." I said sarcastically.

"Oh yeah!" He used his air powers to float ontop of a kindof air ball thing. Leah had already been sliding on ice the entire way, and was far ahead of us.

"Slow down!!!" Joe yelled. She didn't answer, so I think she was too far ahead to hear.

Eventually, we caught up and was in front of my grandma's house in New Hampshire. I didn't know it though.

"I wonder who lives here?" I pondered aloud, and my grandma walked through the door.

"Hello! Dusty, are those your friends?"

"Uhhhhh is my name Dusty?? And I have no clue who they are... or who you are...." I said.

"Well I'm your grandma. You don't remember me? Or your own name, or your friends?" she blinked in confusion. "Well come on inside, all of you. You can have some cookies and maybe I can jog your memories."

We followed her inside the house, where she allotted oatmeal raisin cookies to me and my friends. "Wow these cookies are so good!" Cher complimented.

"They're Dusty's favorite. Here, watch an embarrassing video of her brother Tony." She got out her Ipad and showed us a video of my brother sleeping. In his sleep, he said stupid and embarrassng things like, "kitties... kiss the kitty princess...." we started laughing, and I suddenly remembered.

"Guys! I remember! You're Leah, you're Will, you're Joe, and you're Cher! And you're my grandma! And Tony is my annoying little brother! And, and, and.... Do you guys remember anything?"

"Yes! I do! I remember... i remember everything now!" Cher exclaimed happily. The others remembered too, luckily, and then Grandma drove us all home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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