Harry and Elena

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God, you really hated being the only girl in the family some times. You had two older brothers, 20 and 18 and an identical twin, 16 like you, which was the person you most relied on. The two older brothers (Victor and Mike) were currently arguing on who was going to use the playstation. "Jesus guys, will you shut up?!" Anthony, your step-dad, called. "But I want to play!" they both whined at the same time. You looked up from your phone at them in disbelief. "What are you, 5? Why don't you play FIFA and play against eachother?" you say, rolling your eyes. The two of them stopped glaring at eachother and beamed, running off to get the game. "Honestly..." Jacob said, rolling his eyes, looking up from the book he was reading. You and your twin were nothing alike personality wise, but identical physically. He was quiet, always reading books, with a pair of earbuds in, and a soft smile on his face. You were loud, and energetic, with your phone and a million things to do. "Mom, Anthony, I'm going out!" you say, reaching for your coat, and slipping on a pair or converse. "Ok sweety! Be back by dinner!" you nod and slip out of the door, after giving Jacob a quick peck on the cheeck. You were so close with your twin, you knew everything about eachother. You hurried to the Starbucks just across the street and entered, just before it started raining. You sighed, and glanced outside. Its ok... you thought. You liked the rain, and as you ordered your Caramel Cream you looked out. The rain was one of the few things you and Jacob had in common. You would sit at the window together and you would just stare at the drops running down the window pane. "A Caramel Cream for Elena!" a voice shouted. You were a usual so when you went up you smiled at the curly green eyed boy with your drink in his hand. "Hey Harry, how's it going?" you smiled. "You know, the usual. Today is actually a less buisy day! Hey, umm, I end shift early today, do you maybe want to.. ummm gooutwithme?" he was blushing, and you couldn't think of anything cuter. "Sure! Let me text Lucia and tell her to cancel the shopping spree." "Oh, no sorry! I didn't know you had plans, nono forget everything!" poor boy he was all flustered. You laugh. "Hey, its ok, really. We can go shopping whenever.  Besides, I'd rather be with you than go shopping." he blushes even harder. He was shy, you could tell and that just made your crush intensify. "Lets go!" Harry hesitantly reached for your hand and you smiled, grabbing his. Butterflies errupted in your stomach and you smiled. You hadn't felt like this for a while, and it was a nice change from the usual stress. "Where are we going?" you say, swinging your hands. "The fair. Is that ok? I mean, we can change if you want-" "Hazz, its ok. Seriously, stop worrying. I don't bite, you know. Well, not hard at least." he giggled, and you just about melted right there and then. You arrived at the fair and your eyes became the size of saucers. "Oh my god Hazz!!!! I want to go on the roller coaster!!!" ge grinned excitedly. "C'mon lets go!!" he dragged you to the line, and in no time you were seated and the roller coaster was moving. "WOOOOOH!!!!" you and Harrry were screming at the top of your lungs. When you get off, you were laughing so hard you could barely breathe. "That was so fun!!!" you and Harry wandered around for a bit until you reached a stand where there was a huge teddy bear as a prize. It was so cliché you could laugh. Apparently so did Harry, because he walked up and said "What do I have to do to get the teddy bear?" the girl at the stand looked bored but when she saw Harry she perked up. "You have to hit down all the cans n one shot babe." she winked at him. A warmth invaded your chest, and you glared at the girl. "Could you please stop flirting with MY boyfriend?" you say coldly, surprising Harry, the girl, and yourself. "Whatever." the girl said, rolling her eyes. Harry just smirked, and grabbed a ball. He threw it, and it hit the bottom row, making the top onws topple over. There was one left and it was threatning to fall. And it did. "OH MY GOD HARRY YOU DID IT!!!!!!!" you shriek, jumping in his arms. You burried your head in the crook of his neck, smiling and inhaling his intoxicating scent. He kissed your forehead and then untangled himself to get the gigantic teddy bear. It was late, so Harry accompanied you to your house. He stopped in front of your house, and turned to you. "So now I'm your boyfriend huh?" he says smirking, recalling what you had snapped at the girl. You blushed. "I didn't like how she was looking at you, like you were a piece of meat." he smiled. "Can I be your boyfriend?" he says, turning shy again. You were surprised, you didn't think anyone liked you like that, especially not him. "Absolutely." he grinned, and leaned in kissing you sweetly. He pulled away after a bit, leaving you breathless. "I'd love to do this again." you smile at him, and say "Definitely."

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