U.A Exams!!!!

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~Months later~

(Y/n P.O.V)

I hate waking up early but I'm doing this for izu-kun today are the Yuuei exams and the only thing I'm feeling is nauseous. yes All Mights training helped me with my quirk but he mostly taught me hand to hand combat. I'm confident that I will pass the only thing that's on my mind is all the what ifs. what if I'm not good enough to be a hero what if no one accepts me. but I'm not giving up I wont let these negative thoughts get to me. I arrive at the beach that me and izu-kun trained at, "AGHHHHHHH" is what I hear when I get there, a smile appears on my face when I see izu-kun yelling on top of all that junk. All might appears next to me and we walk toward izu-kun.

Young Midoriya EAT THIS as he hands him a strand of hair. I tried my best to not explode of laughter... in the end he ate it. As I saw izu-kun eat All Mights hair I get hungry for some reason so I say my good byes and head home to get some food, cant work on an empty stomach can I.

(time skip)

*sigh* the thought of izuku eating all mights hair makes me laugh wait now that I think about it I wonder if izu-kun will be ok on the exam. I was so deep in thought that I didn't seem to notice the rock causing me to trip as I close my eyes waiting for the impacts only to feel a tight grip around my waist, the person helps me stand up straight I was quite embarrassed about what just happened that I kept my head down mumbling a quiet thank you but loud enough for the person to hear me" Ah n-no worry's its ok it wouldn't be very manly of me to let such a cute girl trip in front of me" he says wait did he say cute girl what the hell why is my face getting hot, this isn't the first time someone's called me cute so why am I getting red is it because he said it in such a innocent way. I lift my head and take a look at him he has sharp black hair that goes straight down and red eyes and S-SHARP TEETH just like me. I yell out at the acknowledgement of his teeth "YOU HAVE SHARP TEETH JUST LIKE ME SEE" I've never been this excited to see someone who has sharp teeth, yes it may sound weird for me to get this excited but I have always been bullied because of my teeth so its nice to see someone else that has a feature just like me. I show him my teeth by smiling " cool we're the same" he says I giggle a little he's adorable I think to myself "my names bakugou y/n" I tell him holding out my hand for a friendly hand shake "kirishima Eijiro" he shakes my hand. This is a beginning of a friendship.

"So kiri where you heading I'm going to yuuei for the hero course" he then tells me that he's also going to yuuei to take the entrance exams, we both decided to walk together getting to know each other, I noticed that he uses the word manly a lot I also learned that he loves the hero crimson riot. we arrive and gulp at the same time we look and laugh at each other. Due to the seating  arrangement we both separate but not before telling each other good luck. I find myself sitting next to izu-kun and my brother. I smile at izu-kun but he doesn't return it he just frowns at me and looks away. Did I do something wrong I think sadly.

(Midoriya P.O.V)

I screwed up, I don't know why I didn't smile back at y/n but all I can think is y/n smiling and giggle with that guy she was with every time I see her I see him with her and that j-just pissed me off (OoO feel out of character just a lil) *sigh* I should just give up that guy looked so cool I mean she probably hates me now. is this what jealousy feels like?

( back to y/n P.O.V)

I have no idea why izuku is mad at me what I wont let that bother me at east not now I walk to my sector preparing for the robots I look around me looking to see if maybe kiri was in the sector as me but I don't see him, but I do see izuku I feel a bit relived because I know someone here I walk towards him but I notice that his eyes seem to be on something or a certain someone I try to see who's he's looking at... a girl? I question myself why is he looking at a girl as I look at her features I see why he's looking at her, she's a cute girl I get excited because I've never seen him found of any girls I walk towards him with a smile on my face about to ask him about the girl only for him to frown again and walks way. I don't know why he's mad at me but for the first time I feel a feeling that I never thought I would feel towards him and that is anger. I've never been angry at him and I never thought I would but I am and all I want to do is scream at him like I did to those girls I can feel my quirk about to blow which pulls me back to reality. I thank my quirk for the first time in forever because if it wasn't for me trying to control my quirk and my anger right now I probably would have made a scene. I hate this feeling. I start getting ready for the robots reviewing what present mic said trying my best to calm down, and then...

The big metal bars open "GOOOOOOOO!!!!!! and I start running towards my goal.

(another time skip sorry)

I'm exhausted I ended up getting about 50 points I know its not a lot but I kept an eye on izuku and I kept seeing robots sneaking up on him so I ended up hitting those robots. yes even though I was mad at him I stilled helped him because I'm a dumbass that cares for him for some reason. In the end I feel confident that I got in but I don't know about izuku the only thing I saw him do was hit the zero pointer and that didn't get him any points but there's nothing I an do about it, but 'm pretty proud of him he defeated the big robot to save the cute girl which was amazing of him even though he hurt himself in the process. he needs to learn how to control his quirk. OH there's also another good thing my brother was telling me about how he did and I couldn't be prouder but I'm not surprised he is katsuki, he's good at everything unlike me.

*sigh* I should get someone sleep, I lay on my comfy bed thinking about today and about the new friend I made but then that feeling came back the feeling I got when I saw izu-kun I doze of thinking about this feeling.


"Y/N KATSUKI GET YOUR ASSES UP AND COME NOW YOUR YUUEI LETTERS ARE HERE" I hear mom yell wait did she say the results got here HOLY SHIT. I jump out of bed running down stairs, I see my brother with his letter already I go up to my mom and get my letter thinking the worst as I go back to my room. I open the letter and see All Might.

Young Y/N congratulations on getting into Yuuei Highs Hero course I'm proud of you!!!

I start tear up running down stairs hugging my brother as we both made it "yay we did katsuki" I say with tears of happiness "tch I already knew I was in dumbass" I knew my brother was also happy about getting into U.A.

well this is the start of a new adventure the start of my hero journey.


~1386 words~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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