Chapter 2

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*2 weeks ago....

BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!!! my alarm clock sounds at 6:05 in the morning. As i slowly open my eyes  i sit up in my bed. looking at my alarm clock then quickly shutting it off, i get up out of my bed and search through my closet. Hmmmm, nothing to wear. As I stand infront of my closest for the next 20 minutes i finally am able to pick out a pair of dark skinnies and a dark neon blue tank top. I quickly run to the side of my bed searching for my grey boots, slide them on, grab my purse and run out of my beddroom. When i come down stairs I see my older sister Nikki and my parents sitting in a circle at the kitchen table. Why are they so happy? I think to myself. I walk into the kitchen unnoticed my my family and grab an apple of the counter.My mother quickly turns around:

"No dear, thats for Nikki. If you want there's some soy nuts in the pantry."

"Why cant I have an apple like Nikki?" I said

"Becasue I said so." my mother repied. "Oh and before i forget ; your father and I will being taking Nikki out to dinner tonight. We'll be back around eleven."

And with that I grabed the apple that my mother cleaned for my sister and walked out of the kitchen and took my keys out of my pocket. She probably just got another "A" she gets them all the time. But when my parents get her grades its all Rainbows and icecream.when i get "A's" it all :Well why isnt it an "A+"? Why do my hate me? why do they love her so much she isnt even biologically related to them. she was adopted for g-ds sake. she gets all the attention and i get nothing. If only she would just jump infront of a car and die, but then she knows to look both ways before crossing the street because "shes a good girl"

I'll find a way to get her back, i will. Thats a promise to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2012 ⏰

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