The Host Club's Introduction Part 2 (Of 5)

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A/N: how are you? This is my first story. Hope you like it,please comment! Oh and that is what she wears when she meets Kyoya. The next few chapters will be in Flashback Mode,unless I say so,FYI.the pic is her outfit. Sorry if you can't see it! Kyoya and Tamaki are two years younger than Celestia. This chapter is dedicated to AliceMist for voting for my story! Thanks!

----Kyoya's POV----(
I can't believe that we are having more guests over. I mean,how many business partners does our family have?(A lot,my dear Kyoya. A lot.) And I have to be friends with their daughter. Well,pretend to be. I have to be bored all evening by a ranting, giddy,7-year old girl.(Kyoya is 5 right that is why he's acting a bit different from his real,high schooler personality.) She probably will be stuck up and squeal a lot. Thank goodness that the girl is an only child! I don't think I could handle being around twins,or any other kind of sibling,boy or girl! (If he only knew what the future holds for him!)
----Tia-san's POV(Celestia)----
A new person! I get to meet a new kid! I will probably get a new friend! I will have a third friend!( her family doesn't go to many dinners or parties unless they are important. These are the first times that they are taking her to these kinds of events.) Then, I can have more fun! I wonder if I will meet any girls there? Then I can have my first friend that's a girl! As we get in the driveway of the people's mansion, I squeal are run to the window,putting my hands on the window. It's huge! I fall forward hitting the ground when the door opened,startling Toby,who quickly starts apologizing,saying "I'm sorry,young Mistress! I didn't realize you were leaning against the door!" "It's okay,Toby-san! You didn't know! And besides,I'm not hurt! I'm fine!" I tell Toby,him calming down. We walked up to the new place and saw the other family. I quickly hide behind my parents.(When Celestia fell,her parents heard the entire conversation between her and Toby,so don't think that her parents don't care about her. They just didn't see the point of asking her if she was okay when they just heard her say that she was fine.)
I turned around to see a mansion as big as the Haninozuka family's home. When we got to the door, a man opened the door. "Madams,Sir, may I take your jackets?" "Yes,thank you." My parents said. But being the unique kid I am, I say "No thank you, I'm fine!" We walked through a large foyer to see a family standing tall. There was a very tall man. Standing next to him was two teenage boys. In front of them stood a slightly shorter girl and a boy about my age. Nervously, I grabbed my parent's hands and hold them tightly. "Hello Mr.Ootori, Ms.Fuyumi, Mr.Akito,Mr. Yuuichi, and Mr. Kyoya." "Hello." 

  After the introductions, Kyoya and I were told to go to the backyard to get to know each other. As we walk to the backyard, neither of us said a word. I got the feeling that he wasn't the one to talk a lot and play around a whole bunch. 

  I ask, "What kind of activities do you like to do?" 

He stops walking and sighs, "Probably nothing that you like to do."

"Oh, come on! Tell me!"

"Fine, I like to read any research anything, along with drawing. Happy?"

"Ow wow! That's so cool! I love reading and drawing, too!" I exclaim excitedly.

"You think it's it's cool? I thought that you would laugh and make fun of me because I'm a boy that likes to draw." He questions.

"Of course I think it's cool! You don't hide the fact that you like to draw. Plus, not many boys like to draw, so it's amazing that I found a guy who like to draw, and is great at drawing as well!" I reply.

"Well, I have a room that I only use for art. If you want, we could go there instead. Would you like to go?"

"I'd love to! Then, I can see all of the pieces you've done!" That came to the mutual agreement. 

                                                                                  3rd person POV

  We get to the door that-to the blind eye- would seem to not exist. It blended into the wall so well, that it was hard to tell if there really was a door there. Kyoya opens the door to reveal a huge room filled with beautiful paintings. It seemed like a professional had made them, not a boy who wasn't even seven. The young girl who had accompanied Kyoya was astounded, even though she makes paintings, drawings, and sketches just as skilled as the boy's, she was amazed to find someone else with talent equal to hers. There were paintings of flowers, trees, houses, the night sky, and even butterflies. One picture stood out the most. A painting of a beautiful woman.

"Kyoya, who is that?" She asked.

"That's my mother," He replies sorrowfully,"she passed away a short while ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry. She certainly was very beautiful." She gives her regards to the younger boy.

"Yes, she was." She could see Kyoya holding back tears .

"Hey! It's alright! She is probably in a happier place, smiling down on you and your family!" She tries to keep the boy from crying.

"You know what I think we should do?"

"What?" He chokes out.

"I think that we should both paint a picture for her, to show her that we still think and care about her!"

"But you didn't know her." 

"I know, but if she's important to you, she's super important to me! Get it?" The girl joyously cries out.

"Yes. I do get it." 

"So, do you want to paint with me?" I ask.

"Okay!" As the children paint, their families are in search of them. They get to the hallway with the art room in it, and they hear laughter (Kyoya's laughing, shocking, isn't it?), and find the door to the room. The families peek in to see the kids painting, talking, and best of all, laughing. Fuyumi straightens up from hiding, then walks into the room through the small door. The kids stop, but as Fuyumi joins in, they go back to doing what they were, but now as a trio. After a while, they all realize what time it was and that it was late. They straighten up the gallery, then walk out to go back to their families. As they bid each other goodbye, Celestia's father scoops her up, and she falls asleep in her father's arms.

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