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I know, we'll make Emiko happy
TW: Mentions of abuse
Eito falls asleep and Bakugou is left in silence. He feels eyes on him and looks around by doesn't see anything. He looks in the trunk of the car and there's a few boxes in there but no human. He shivers a bit and shakes his head. You're just being paranoid.

Todoroki opens the door, which makes Bakugou jump.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Mhm" Bakugou replies. Todoroki closes the door, starts the car, and pulls out of the driveway, "Ponytail and headphones want to have breakfast tomorrow"

"Want to do it?"

"Why not? We still have to have dinner with the old hag"

"Sounds fun, it could be good for Eito to meet the people he's gonna be spending time with"


"You okay?"

"Yeah. How old do you think he is?"


"Yeah that's what I was thinking. He doesn't seem to be younger than that but there's no way he can be older"

"His speech is really limited for a 2 year old"

"I don't think he ever got taught to speak"

"Why do you say that?"

"He told me that him and this Emiko kid get abused"

"Izuku. I swear I'm gonna kill him" Todoroki tightens his grip on the steering wheel. They drive for a bit longer before Todoroki pulls into their driveway.

He looks in the back seat to see both Eito and Bakugou sleeping. He smiles and takes a picture before waking Bakugou up. Bakugou sits up and grabs Eito, following Todoroki into the house. Todoroki opens the door and they walk in, kicking off their shoes and walking to their bedroom. Bakugou lays down with Eito, falling asleep almost immediately.

Todoroki smiles and lays down next to the two of them. He plays with Eito's curls for a while, just enjoying the silence. He feels himself start to fall asleep so he kisses Eito's head.

"I'm gonna keep you safe. I won't let you have the same fate as your sister. I promise" He whispers. Bakugou opens his eyes a bit and grabs Todoroki's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Todoroki smiles and they both fall asleep.

Todoroki was the first to wake up, he looks over to the clock. 8:30am. He picks up his phone and dials Momo's number.

"Hello?" Momo asks answering the phone.


"Todoroki! Hey, what's up?"

"Katsuki told me you guys wanted to have breakfast?"

"Yup! You up for it?"

"Mhm. What time were you thinking?"

"10 maybe?"

"That works"

"Where do you wanna go? There's a new restaurant nearby we could go to"

"It's probably best we don't go to a restaurant. Eito's still pretty scared"

"Good point. Your place then?"

"That works. I'll send the address"

"Great, bye"

"Bye" She hangs up and he sends her the address. He hears shuffling and looks over to see Eito sitting up.

"Hey Eito. Wanna make breakfast?" Todoroki asks. Eito nods and makes grabby arms towards Todoroki. He picks up the small boy, startled at how light he is, and they walk to the kitchen.

"Papa?" Eito says looking up at Todoroki as he sets him on the counter.

"Yes?" Todoroki replies.

"Why sad?"

"I'm not sad"


"*Sigh* It's okay"

"Why sad?"

"No reason. Let's make food!"

"Ya!" Eito claps his hands excitedly.

"I was thinking, pancakes, eggs, and bacon? How's that sound?"

"What dat?"

"Oh my sweet boy" Todoroki hugs Eito and kisses his nose, both of them laughing, "They're yummy. Let's make them"

~An hour later~

"I don't think we should be aloud to cook" Todoroki says.

"No good" Eito adds.

The two of them are covered in flour, butter, eggs, milk, you name it. The counter and stove are a mess too. Todoroki wipes some flour from the counter with his finger and wipes some on Eito's nose making him giggle then sneeze. Eito dips his hand in some flour and presses it to Todoroki's cheek leaving a small handprint.

"We should clean up before Katsuki wakes up" Shoto says grabbing a rag.

"Who dat?" Eito asks.

"Katsuki? He's... Well he's your mama"

"Mama?" Eito whines and looks around the room.

"No, he's not like that. He won't hurt you. He's good"

"Good mama?"

"Mhm. Good mama"

"No hurt?"

"Never hurt"

"Yay!" Eito giggles and grabs the rag from Todoroki. He starts wiping it back and forth not helping much. Todoroki laughs and grabs another rag.

~10 minutes later~

Bakugou wakes up and notices he's all alone in the bed. He stands up and walks out of the room to the kitchen. He stands in the doorway of the kitchen smiling.

Todoroki and Eito are cleaning a very messy kitchen. Eito giggles as he pushes flour off the counter and onto Todoroki's head.

"You little stinker" Todoroki says tickling Eito. When they stop they look over at Bakugou standing in the doorway smiling.

"I can explain" Todoroki says, Bakugou laughs and kisses him on the cheek.

"Good mama!" Eito squeals putting his hands in the air happily. Bakugou looks up at Todoroki surprised, Todoroki smiles at Bakugou.

"Yup, good mama. Not bad mama" Todoroki says. Eito makes grabby hands at Bakugou and he picks up the small boy, hugging him.

"You're messy. How about you and Papa go get clean and I'll clean the kitchen" Bakugou says kissing Eito's cheek. Eito's eyes light up.

"Bath?!" He squeals.

"Yes a bath" Bakugou says. Eito giggles and claps his hands. Bakugou puts him on the floor and him and Todoroki walk to the bathroom.

"Boy did they make a mess"

I have to go back to school tomorrow 😭 Ugh

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