Mae Tallick's experince part 1

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Chapter 2 Mae Tallick
Wa wa watz up ah anyone there?Radar:ah another one,This us the United States space station what do you need.C c can i land h h here on ea earth.Radar:Stop doing that I know it's fake.D d doing what? Radar:That! That glitching I know it's not real.T t t this is how my v voice has always s s s sounded.A a am I al o o owed to land?Radar:Where on earth did you come from?I I I came f f from novi star p p p planet.Radar:Sorry but some one else already used that excuse.W w who!
Radar:Some named Alie Lectric.*gasps*A A A A A ALIES H H HERE!!! So m m mae I P P PLEASE land now Radar:Yes but you will be examined as wel-.G G Good-Bye!:)   (if you dont under stand her voice you can look up mae tallick reviws and look at the toy verson's vocie ;)    )

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