Untitled Part 1

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It was his first day at his new school. Rob was a fairly confident individual, but on this occasion, he couldn't help himself from feeling a bit anxious. He stared at the material on the board, which seemed almost alien to him, as he had transferred halfway into the year and hadn't quite familiarized himself with what the class was doing so far. "Any questions?" He raised his hand and the teacher promptly called on him.

"Aren't we going over..." Rob looked at his paper, "...Conditional statements?"

The classroom was silent, and the teacher started to look at him odd. "We did that last week, bro," mocked one of the students from the back of the class. The teacher corrected him and continued on. Rob sank in his seat.

A student who sat in front of Rob turned around to talk to him. "You must be new," he said, moving his head slightly to flip his dark brown hair out of his face. His eyes were a caramel brown and Rob could find himself falling deeper into them when he looked up to reply with a nod. "I'm Zubin, but you can call me Zubes," the student smiled.

"..I'm Rob," he said as he pulled on the strings of his yellow hoodie and looked at Zubin's blue "Natural Ketchup" tee. He could feel his face getting hotter.

"You're cute," Zubin smirked. "You should eat lunch with me and my friends later."

Rob bit his lip. He had promised his friend Ryan he'd eat lunch with him. He looked up at Zubin, who was waiting for a reply. "Okay," the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

The bell had rang, meaning it was time for lunch. After waiting in the line to get his food, he found Zubin at lunch, sitting at a table with a few other guys. "Wow, you have a lot of friends," Rob joked.

Zubin shrugged. "Yeah. This is Joe, Andy, Ross, and Bora," he pointed to each of them after introducing their names. Joe looked like a fairly serious fellow. He had on a red shirt which complimented his green eyes and curly brown hair. Rob noticed the shirt said "Fuss" on it, and wondered what that even meant. Andy pushed up his glasses, unintentionally covering the pile of freckles that rested upon his nose. The brunette rolled up the sleeves of his green sweater to start to eat his sandwich. Ross was one of the shortest among them. He had grey hair and a grey shirt to match. Bora, similar in appearance to Joe with curly brown hair was wearing an orange shirt and leaned on Andy as he waved to Rob. Andy scoffed and pushed Bora off of his shoulder.

Rob was starting to get to know the group better when Zubin grabbed his hand by surprise. "Excuse us for a second, guys," Zubin started to lead him out of the cafeteria.

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