Loki Laufeyson X Reader - Just Be Good To Green

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Just Be Good To Green' by Professor Green and Lily Allen. I hope you all enjoy it.

"I can't believe you think that dating him is a good idea." Steve looked genuinely distressed as he turned to face you, his hair a little mussed from the amount of times he had run his hands through it. He had always been a little protective of you, but now it seemed to have become stifling. 

"He's not a bad guy," you uttered, shaking your head as you released a sigh. "He made mistakes, and he knows that-"

"Are you mad? He tried to enslave the human race. There isn't a worse guy," he exclaimed, waving his hands around rather erratically.

"I don't understand why you think you have any say in my relationships," you started again, forcing yourself to remain stoney faced as you stared him down.

Steve paused for a moment, staring at you in disbelief. "Because he's clearly using you," he murmured, and suddenly the stoney look was gone from your lips, replaced with a real frown.

"Because it's impossible that someone could genuinely care about me?" 

"That's not what I said-"

"It's what you meant though. Loki couldn't possibly actually like me because he enjoys spending time with me. There has to be some nefarious plot that he's using me for. Because I'm too dumb to have thought about that for myself." There was a moment of silence as Steve stared at you, mouth opening and closing as he looked for words. "You're no better than Tony," you grumbled, shoving past him as you left your room, leaving him behind in an awkward silence.

You understood why Steve was suspicious of Loki. Of course you did; how couldn't you be? He had a bad reputation, one that he had more than earned, but he had always been so kind to you. In fact, he was nicer to you than most of the team ever had been. 

You found yourself wandering the hallways as if on instinct, heading directly for Loki's room. He had a calming effect on you, and right now, that was exactly what you needed.

When you lifted a hand to knock on his door, you paused. Fuck. What if Steve was right? What if he was nice to you because he thought it would make it easier to manipulate you? If he was, he had already succeeded in causing a rift between you and one of your oldest friends. You took a deep breath, and pressed your eyes closed, attempting to push the thought from your mind.

As you reopened your eyes, you saw Loki standing in front of you. Somehow, he had opened the door without you noticing or hearing, and now he was frowning down at you. He looked so damn concerned that you felt your heart skip for a moment. There was no way that he could possibly be that good an actor, was there? 

"Hey," you uttered, a little breathless as you forced a smile onto your lips.

Loki's brow softened slightly as he reached out to touch his fingertips to your cheek, brushing ever so slightly over the blushing skin. "Is everything okay?" You nodded, nudging him slightly and slipping through the gap you created and into his room. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," you answered, a little too quickly for it to sound natural.

"Don't lie to me," he paused for a moment, and you glanced back at him, taking a deep breath. "Please."

You paced for a second, attempting to collect your thoughts before speaking. "Why are you with me?" Loki's face fell for a moment, and you thought that you saw him shift, as though reaching out for you, before hesitating and falling still.

"Because I like you," he murmured softly, brow furrowed as you shifted on the spot. "You're beautiful, and funny, and smart. Why wouldn't I want to date you?"

You shrugged slightly, perching yourself on the end of his bed as you took a deep breath. "I told Steve about us," you muttered, bringing your hands up to rub at your face. "He was less than supportive."

The bed dipped as Loki came to sit beside you, his arm coming to rest around your shoulders. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," you murmured, taking a deep breath, before finally shaking your head. "Actually, no. I'm not." You paused for a moment, bunching your hands together in your lap. "He just keeps acting like I'm some gullible little child. Like I completely forget who you are just because you told me I'm pretty or something."

Loki's hand squeezed at your arm, an act of comfort that you knew would be out of his own comfort zone. "And he think's I'll lead you astray?"

"By the sounds of it, he thinks you already have." You shook your head, glancing up at him. "He can't even fathom the idea that you could actually care about me," you uttered, watching as his face softened. "He is under the impression that you're using me."

Loki cleared his throat slightly. "You know who I am. I haven't always been a good guy, but I'm trying to be better."

"I know that-"

"I won't ever be perfect."

You sighed slightly, reaching up to cup his cheek slightly. "No one is. Not me, not you, and not even Steve."

Loki leant in, pressing his forehead against yours. "I want to treat you right," he uttered, listening as you let out a light chuckle.

"You already do," you told him, shifting to press your lips to his. "Steve can think what he wants, but he doesn't know you like I do."

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