Chapter 12

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The resistance's secret base was silent, except for the constant bickering between Mai and Trunks. The saiyan being tired of Mai's complaints, and the girl trying to get Trunks to understand from her point of view.

"For the last time Mai." Trunks ran a hand through his hair before balling it in a fist and slamming it on an old table. "I don't want to hear it!"

"Trunks, please." The lavender haired boy scoffed but looked in Mai's direction for the first time in months. Her eyes lit up at the first sign of connection between the two.

"Y/n wanted to ruin our plans!" She exclaimed, sporadically "l-look I just wanted the best for humanity and Y/n...she lacks it."

"No." Trunks snapped "you couldn't handle the fact that Y/n was different and everyone seemed to like her except you!"

"Trunks no." She tried to touch him but he brushed her off. "It was never like that. Y/n never stuck to rules she didn't listen! She could've got you kil-"

"Remember that time when you shot Black after I got hurt?" Trunks cut in "that wasn't because of Y/n it was because I didn't listen to her! She was right! She told me to stay away and I didn't! Black picked up my ki signature not hers! It was my fault and yet you berated her because you can't get over you silly vendetta towards her."

"No, what about your mothe-" Trunks shot her a rough look before picking her up by her jacket collar with a deadly look in his eyes.

"Y/n might not have listened. And she might not be the best at fighting or have the best ideas when it comes to mind." He stated "But Y/n truly wanted the best for humanity. She had human qualities, she wanted a family! Not to continue a bloodline but because she wanted to be happy! Y/n was happiest when she was around what she considered family and I've never seen her smile since the day that we lost everything! Y/n's tried to make something out of nothing! Mai you've never known that loss. Y/n's never fit in, she's never been the center of attention, she's never felt wanted! She's always felt like she was discarded remains of what others were never supposed to be! And for you- for you to bring up my mother."

Trunks scoffed and dropped her.

"Y/n cared more for people weaker than her than she did for herself. You on the other hand. You are selfish, misleading, you're weak."

Mai gasped, a hand over her mouth as tears streamed down it.

"Instead of painting Y/n to be the bad guy you should take a look at yourself." With that, Trunks was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Mai it's oka-"

Mai smacked the elder woman's hand away. Blurry eyed, she choked down a sob and stood up tall. She stormed past the woman and went to the older side of the shelter, a place where no one else really traversed. She sat on the ground angrily, a cloud of dust rising beneath her. If Y/n didn't exist she wouldn't have this problem. If Y/n was so special she could've saved the planet like the Z fighters did. If Y/n hadn't been captured like a weakling the leaders of the resistance wouldn't be quarreling.

With Y/n captured, Trunks missing, and Mai in an internal rage the resistance seemed to be self destructing at its core. Humanity needs its leaders and without structure, the mortals were sure to fall without the help of the sadistic gods.

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