Hold On Tight and Don't Let Go

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As Eijiro burst through the doors leading to the roof, a strong gust of freezing wind hit him. Goosebumps rose on his skin as a shiver traveled down his spine.

"M-Midoriya!" He cried out as he began rubbing his arms to try to keep himself warm, "A-are.... are you up here?"

He looked around, frantically searching for his friend. The snow was falling down harder, obscuring his vision.

His heart was pounding against his chest. If he didn't know any better, he might've thought he would have had a heart attack.

He finally found Midoriya trying to climb over the railing.

"Midoriya," Eijiro screamed as he tried to rush at him. The snow crunched beneath his feet

Midoriya looked at him with wide eyes. Tears were streaming down his face.

He sniffled and wiped his eyes. He finally got over the railing. He leaned forward a little.

"Midoriya!" Eijiro screamed before he slipped on a slippery patch of snow. He fell hard, his head slamming against the roof.

"K-Kiri..." Midoriya cried out, unable to say the rest of his name, "A-are you... right?"

Eijiro rushed to his feet. The dizziness hit him instantly. It was almost as if he would fall over at any moment. The world around him was spinning so fast.

He gasped as he stumbled back. His body was numb, he was freezing, and his head ached.

"Shit," Eijiro moaned as he fell back down.

"K-Kiri... shima," A muffled voice called out. The voice sounded so foreign, yet he knew it was Midoriya. "A-ar-are you... okay?"

Eijiro squeezed his eyes shut, allowing himself to collect himself. Once the dizziness had faded, and the pain had dimmed to a gentle pulse, he opened his eyes.

Midoriya was still clinging to the railing. He seemed like he was looking at Eijiro, but he wasn't entirely sure.

Eijiro's vision had gone blurry, so all he could see were green and gray blobs.

Eijiro slowly rose to his feet and stumbled over towards his friend. He stretched his arm out towards him until he finally grabbed what he could only assume was Midoriya's sweatshirt.

"Midoriya," He said sternly, his grip on the sweatshirt tightening, "Don't do this to yourself."

He was amazed at how confident he sounded.

Midoriya sniffled before reaching out to touch Eijiro's face. His fingers were cold as ice, but Eijiro didn't mind.

Eijiro shivered as he did the same, "W-what's th-this for?"

Midoriya sniffled once more.

Eijiro blinked a few times to try to clear his vision. Once he could clearly see the boy in front of him, he felt his heart shatter.

Tears were falling from Midoya's eyes while he chewed on his lip. It was a heartbreaking sight.

Eijiro felt himself start to feel drowsy. He knew he would freeze to death if he stayed outside much longer. He just didn't care. If his buddy needed him, then damn it, he would do whatever it took.

"C-come back inside," He coxed shakily, "W-we... we c-can talk th-this out. Y-you, d-don't have to... to do this."

At this point, he knew he had to go back inside. His breathing had started to slow down, which was all he had to know. He was freezing, and he had to go.

Eijiro's heart dropped as he watched Midoriya let go of the rail and his cheek. He instinctively grabbed his friend as he started to fall.

Midoriya wrapped his arms around his neck, burying his face in his chest. "I-I'm... I... I want... my m-mommy." He whimpered groggily.

Using whatever strength Eijiro had left, he lifted Midoriya up and over the railing.

Midoriya whimpered loudly as he finally lowered his arms. However, his face was still resting on Eijiro's chest, sobbing into his shirt.

Eijiro became oddly aware of how his heart was beating. It was was slower than he would've liked. He quickly recognized this as a symptom of hypothermia.

Thank the lucky stars he had paid attention during the rescue training meeting.

They had to get inside, and he had to get them inside quickly.

Forcing his stiff muscles to move, he ushered Midoriya inside the school building, once again.

Each step he took felt let agony. Eijiro's muscles were stiff, he was covered in goosebumps, he was stumbling and nearly slipping on the snow. He couldn't walk straight, and he felt like he was about to pass out.

Thinking about how terrible he felt made him think about how Midoriya must be feeling.

Midoriya was already showing symptoms of hypothermia when Eijiro only brought him inside for a little while. If he hadn't have brought him inside, the poor thing would probably be on his death bed.

"Y-you alive, Mi-Midoriya?" Eijiro asked, groggily.

Midoriya mumbled some inaudible words in response.

It wasn't much, but it was proof that he was still alive.

"D-don't w-worry," He stuttered, "Y-you're... gonna be alright. I promise."

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