Room of Broken Dreams

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Eijiro let out a sigh of relief as the pair walked to Midoriya's room. Clinging to his side was the nervous teen himself.

He looked like he was about to vomit, the poor thing.

As they walked over to Midoriya's door, he felt Midoriya squeeze his arm even tighter. It was obvious he was nervous.

"Hey," Said Eijiro in a hushed tone, "Are you okay? You need a minute?"

Midorya looked up and shook his head, "N-no... I-I'm fine."

His tone wasn't too convincing, but he was probably still in shock.

Eijiro reached for the door handle and opened the door to his room. To his surprise and dismay, it wasn't at all how he remembered. It wasn't something he thought would ever happen.

The room of Izuku Midoriya of Class 1A, aka one of All Might's biggest fans, had gone from one of the manliest places there was, to something heartbreaking.

His All Might figures were scattered all over the floor. Most of them lay broken and mangled, others, beaten beyond recognition. His posters were ripped up and thrown around the room.

"Midoriya," Started Eijiro shakily, "What happened here?"

"I grew up," Midoriya hissed lowly.

His response was surprising. He'd never expect a harsh reaction from Midoriya. Was this the same classmate he knew?

Eijiro let out an annoyed sigh before looking around his room. Two large moving boxes sat in the corner that caught his attention.

As he walked over to look at them, he realized that almost everything else was in there was All Might merchandise. His bedsheets, his mugs, pencils, t-shirts, and other collectibles occupied the boxes.

It was horrifying and extremely concerning. However, it was nowhere near as worrying as all the medication bottles and bandages that were on Midoriya's desk.

Eijiro approached the desk and started looked at all of them. He recognized most of the medications: antidepressants, anxiety, medication, sleep medication, and pain relievers. The pain killer made sense, but the other bottles were what caused the most concern.

When he picked them up and shook them, it was the soft rattling of a few pills the scared the hell out of him.

"When did you get these?" Eijiro demanded as he turned around to face Midoriya.

Midoriya swallowed thickly and looked away, "U-um... last month?"

Eijiro growled and rushed over to Midoriya, "When did you take them?"

"I-I swear I-I didn't take them all at once," He stammered, "Well... I-I guess I did, but I threw up almost immediately after."

The redhead shook his head as the fear took bubbled up within him, "That's not any better, it could still be in your system, but I want to know when you took them."

He shook his head and pressed his back against the door Eijiro hadn't noticed was shut, "I took them hours ago, but I was throwing up for what felt like an eternity, so I'm fine."

His fear settled a little bit, "Okay... but that's still not good for you."

"I know... I know, but it's out of my system," Midoriya said in a high pitched tone.

Eijiro laughed flatly and gave him a gentle hug, "Don't scare me like that, Midoriya."

Eijiro turned back to the room and looked at everything else. That's when he saw it, Midoriya's notebook.

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