Just the Little Sister (Feedback)

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Comments: The beginning is nice, it introduces us to the main characters effortlessly and describes their appearance and attractiveness. I absolutely loved the part where she says her looks never did her any favors, yet her brother is constantly attracting women.

It's very easy to read and the concept of the story easy to grasp right from the first chapter. The main character has a crush on her brother's best friend, yet she doesn't think he knows she even exists.

The first chapter also gives us an insight to her family. Her mother died six years ago from breast cancer, which definitely pulls at the heartstrings. 

Just a quick suggestion, for Wattpad always make sure to put an extra space between paragraphs so people can comment and react to each comment individually.

I love how she describes when she's nervous or when she thinks of her mother, she twists her necklace. I love when writers add little unique quirks the characters have. It makes them feel more real.

I actually liked the second chapter better than the first, it showed more of Stella's personality and her inner monologue. She's a very relatable character and I LOVE that.

I LOVE the way she adds in unique descriptions. "She flashes my brother a kilowatt smile." Love that!

Jeremy's point of view is my favorite. He's totally down to earth and at first he literally has no clue of Stella's feelings for him which is hilarious because we(the readers) know full well why she's acting so serious and flustered. Plus, Jeremy is trying so hard not to see her sexually out of respect for her brother which makes him even more likable and builds the tension even further. 

HOLY SH*T once Jeremy realized he wants her, THIS IS WHERE HER TALENT SHINES! It totally pulls you in, making you HAVE to keep reading. It got to a point where my husband had to make dinner because I told him I wasn't about to put this book down. LOL 

This author absolutely has a talent for describing passionate feelings, that's for sure! Love it!

This is my second review for the EBC and I've got to say I'm impressed by BOTH of the books I've read. I am totally addicted to Just The Little Sister now, and I'll definitely continue reading. Fantastic job!



Comments: I liked the plot of the story. It was a cute bff romance. The little sister has been in love with her brother's best friend since she was six years old. The connection between them has been established for years, and Stella has been in love with Jeremy since day one. It wasn't until Jeremy saw her in a skimpy costume though, that he realized she's hot stuff.

I liked Jeremy he's thoughtful and doesn't want to just take advantage of the situation. He's got not only his friend's feelings on his mind but Stella's too. He tries to soft step around it he can, but his on feeling for her gives way. He still wants to be respectful of her and her brother though. It's nice to read about a caring guy.The issue I had is, I skipped the character list. Usually, I do, because I find they take away from the story, but then realized there were no descriptions of Jeremy. I had a vivid picture of Hendrix and Stella in mind, but Jeremy was a ghost. In fact the first several chapters the main focus seemed to be more on Hendrix than anyone else. Which I found to be odd until I realized Stella compares herself to her brother. It then made more sense, but I think Jeremy still needs to be focused on more. He kinda got lost in Hendrix's shadow, and the poor guy is the leading male.

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