The Eternal Bloodlines: Shattered Reflections (Feedback)

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Reviewer: Reading_Mermaid08

Comments: I enjoyed this book immensely. I can see where several might complain about the length of the chapters, and though they may be long according to Wattpad standards, I noticed that the author's goal is to publish this book. So I thought from that standard the chapter-length is perfect. The Eternal Bloodlines is a vampire book like I've never seen before. It takes on a whole new view of the vampire world and makes the reading experience refreshingly enjoyable. It isn't another Twilight cliche, which is such a relief, I loved it truly. I like that the vampire was barely getting by. In most vampires are somehow instant rich, this one isn't. She had to work for her living, and not work jobs that left a good taste in her mouth.

I was definitely pulled into this story, with the descriptions of the character, surroundings, and emotions that she was going through, it was easy to fall into that world and get pulled along with Ariel. I felt for her line of work, however, that she was a little naive. It could be just her age, she is a young vampire, and a young woman for that matter so I suppose she still maintains a level of naivety.

The pacing was perfect, I didn't feel like any of it dragged at any point, and never felt rushed. If I would suggest anything, it would be to work on your action scenes. The hand to hand seemed to lack luster a little bit, which I understand it's difficult to write. I don't even write my own action scenes, to be perfectly honest. I would suggest researching tips and guides to help in this area.

I would absolutely read more of the author's work, and plan on reading more of The Eternal Blood Lines in my free time. It's a great read, and am going to suggest it to some of my Vamp loving friends. I know they're always looking for some good sexy vampire books to read.


Reviewer: jumping_jiminys

Comments: 1. Vampire meets a dark, handsome man surrounded by secrets as she navigates her own.

2. It most certainly met my expectations and succeed it.

3. I always love a bit of action and detective work and the escort business all boxes ticked for me.

4. Surprisingly it didn't take me long to love the main character. Ariel's narration through her amnesia was different and unique, and I enjoyed the way she tackled it.

5. Your pacing was fantastic. You know when a scene requires a slower pace and when scenes can be amped a bit. Fantastic writing.

6.I enjoyed the way you brought us into the supernatural world by the end of the first scene and hinted at some of the lore throughout.You have an excellent balance of showing and telling making the overall reading experience a joy to experience.

7. Her writing is similar to my own in the way she goes about narrating. I thoroughly enjoyed it the way you paint the scene and bring the reader into the shoes of the character.

8. I would certainly read more. However, I understand the book is for publishing hence the length, but for the sake of wattpad, I would suggest breaking it up in parts. You seem to have a few scenes in each chapter and believe breaking them up wouldn't disrupt the flow of the chapter as a whole too much.


Reviewer: Capri5211

Comments: What a brilliant beginning to a story! I loved the preface and thought your descriptions were so vivid! Your style of writing is like butter...smooth and flows so well!

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