(7) Ex-wife

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Chassie George

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Chassie George

Okay, hold up.

Back all the way up from the beginning.

"Hold on, can you say that again?" I snapped my book shut and zeroed in on the faces of my mother and sister that scarcely showed guilt for planning a welcome home party behind my back.

"They will be happy to see you, sweetie." Mom sinks gracefully on the edge of my bed, tucking her legs over the other.

I shifted slightly so my back is on the headboard. I set my book to my nightstand with a thud and gave them both a disapproving look. "This is my first morning here, and now you're shoving me into a party?"

"Bunny," Kathie climbs into my bed, "we've planned the whole thing since you told us you're coming home."

"And, you know, people would want to see my beautiful daughter. It's been years," our mother enthused. "They have been asking about you."

"Mom, I appreciate it but it's not necessary."

Kathie pursed her lips into a perfect pout. "But we really want to give you a party. Verbal invitations were out. Your friends are really looking forward to your welcome home party."

"It's just a small get-together, sweetheart."

Hopelessness coiled through me. There's no such thing as 'small get-together' in my mother's vocabulary. She's never hosted a party that small.

"Even your dad wanted you to have this party." My mother's voice took on a softer edge. "He'd been working really hard on the garden. We all know he's take up gardening as a hobby. Don't you wanna show off your dad's handiwork?"

I sighed, my head dropping forward in defeat. "There's no way I can talk my way out of this?"

"Nope," they answered in unison.

Kathie squeezes my hand. "I promise, it will be great."

"I just have the right dress for you, sweetheart." Mom wags her brows enticingly.

Having no penchant for designer clothes and shoes, I shot her a vacant look. Dread settled on the pit of my stomach. Wearing the dress is hardly a small price to pay for not growing tolerance to my sociable family. I have people to plaster a big, fat smile on for tonight.

I groaned into my palms.

"Aw. I know." Kathie slid next to me and tugged me to her chest. "If it's any consolation, Ethan is thrilled to meet his mommy's friends. He's helping out dad in the garden."

"You'll have fun. Take a shower, sweetie. I love you, but you need to." Mom scrunched her nose. "And when was the last time you saw a hairdresser?"

"My hair looks fine. It's just longer." I bunched my hair into my hand.

Kathie tucks a strand over my ear. "It's better shorter."

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