Chapter 40

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Calvin discussing the entrance while Negan tries Mal to console Nathan since he feels sorry for the bastard.

Calvin was tied in a chair, arms and legs bonded on the wood. He sat for a full day with Ivar across from him in the same position. Currently, they listened to the intense gunshots and screams above the cellar and Calvin kept smiling and betting to Ivar if the Frontiers killed them all. He needed to joke or talk once a while to take his mind off of boredom.

He whistles, looking around then glances at Ivar. His head is down in shame and guilt, staring at the blood stain from Abby.

"So what've you done that made them chain you up?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Betraying your people? A good fashion rampage?"

He said nothing.

"Nothing at all. That's alright. It's not like you are more evil than me. I'm a bad guy. Oh yeah." He leans his head back, sighing deeply. Suddenly he jumps at the sound of the door and a the long call whistle lurking in the shadows.

"Well shit," Negan smirked, swinging Ellie around his wrist, "look what the cat dragged in."

Calvin is shaking under his heavy clothing yet he tried to compose his statue as solid, unamused to Negan's appearance.

"What's the matter, pussy boy? Afraid to talk now? Thought you were a chatter box."

"Maybe I don't want to talk. I rather not be a part of the reckless battle," Calvin said as Mal approached Negan. Negan suddenly drags Calvin along by the chair behind him and stops him against the wall, away from pouting Ivar. "This deal was already shaky. Nathan told as much as he can, however you know more about the secret routes that the Frontier never in their dumbass minds ever thought of. Would have gone sideways fast if we went up to the gates with our dicks in our hand. Here's the deal prick, you take us to the secret little spot of yours and you can make on your merry way out."

"What makes you think I go with you willingly? I'm not taking your deal."

Negan shoved Calvin and he let on the ground, the tightened bonds on his hands and his ankles held them up in the air. "We would've worked something the fuck out," Negan replied, "It's an even trade, one for one. Well if you don't want the trade, I could have taken you out by Infected by a tree like the Marion's did. Actually, Ellie is thirsty. So, let's have a drink shall we?" He raises the bat and Calvin screams in bloody shrieks, pleading Negan to stop. He smirked, watching the whimpering boy below his feet saying he will spill when he turns the intensity up. He slams Ellie to the side of Calvin, his ear hearing the whiff of air grazing him and he screams again, his heart felt like it exploded for a second.

"Negan. Stop." Mal growled, shooting the other man a glare that clearly said drop it. Mal watched as the man's jaw clenched, conflict rolling behind his eyes, but he kept his mouth shut.

Mal couldn't help but wonder if Negan was listening to her out of genuine respect, or because he thought Mal was fragile for Calvin. The word stuck in her head like old gum on the bottom of her shoe, disgusting and hard to shake. She could only hope that Negan respected her at least a little.

It wasn't a thought she relished, but she knew that about herself, that she was capable of doing what needed to be done, and even if it wasn't a particularly happy thought, it was a comforting one. Calvin is just a victim and seeing the brutality among Negan pains Mal for a reason. Calvin should be punished for his crimes, chained and left in the dark, not torturing and humiliating him.

But it was necessary. So he accepted it.

Negan pulls up Calvin. "So," He said, turning to Mal, "What's your secret?"

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