Chapter 5

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Luu pov

I'm at the watch tower to see if anything popped up over night and 3 dungeons appeared one with a lot of mana.Got to contact the league.

Kyle pov

I'm in my office at Wayne enterprise.Working on paperwork until a communication screen
opend up and luu was talking through it.

Luu:Kyle are you OK to talk

Me:yeah what wrong.

Luu:There's been 3 dungeons popped up one of them have a lot of mana stored.

Me:Where is it

Luu:border of the clover country and diamond country and I'm sending miles with you for back up.


The portal disappeared then I stand up and my own shadow covered my body in darkness and reshaped me into my Bat form.I walked over and opened a window and disburs into a swarm of bats and flew out the window and head towards the dungeon.


I made it to the dungeon and reformed.

Then Miles landed behind me.

Miles:Am I late

Me:No just got here.

Miles:Lets go

Miles pov

Me and Batman are walking down a hallway until I here something from the other side of the wall.

I punched it showing a giant room with a lot of mana in the air and Noel and Asta about to be thrown in acid by a giant plant monster.

No one pov

Miles flew towards them used his heat vision to cut the limbs and grabbed Asta and Noel,Then set them Down away from the plant monster.

Batman appeared behind it and formed a blade from his hand and cut off the head.Suddenly some of the Acid was about to be spilled on Noel but Miles was about to protect her until a huge wave of wind blew it away.Then they all look up to see Yuno and 2 others.

Asta pov

Yuno:I repaid my Debt Asta,Miles

I'm shocked to see Miles,Yuno,and Batman.He is kinda scary.

Me:So what are you doing here Superman and Batman,You too Yuno and who are those 2.

Superman:Were here to investigate the strong mana here .

Batman:We believe that there might be a powerful artifacts here and bring it back to our base so it won't fall into the wrong hands.

Superman:Not just that 2 other Dungeons popped up.

???:Wait excuse me did you just say 2 others

Superman:Yes the Rest of the league are going to check them out.

Batman:Im also Guessing that your all here to check out the dungeon or what's it holding.


???:My name is klaus

???:I'm mimosa Silva and how are you Noel last time we saw each other at family dinner.

Noel:Im doing fine.

Me:I got an idea how about a race to see who can get to the vault first.

Me:I got an idea how about a race to see who can get to the vault first

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