Chapter 6

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Aquaman and Green lantern mission

Toshiro pov

I'm flying over the Pacific Ocean in the middle of nowhere.

Toshiro'Open communication screen

Me:Hey Luu I'm here at the coordinates So where is this dungeon.

Luu:Hey Toshiro and your right onto of it you just got to descend 1000 feet in the ocean Daniel will meet you.

Me:On it

I decend down further until I see a temple which I'm guessing it's the dungeon and I see Daniel Waiting for me.

Me:Hey Daniel or Aquaman

Daniel:just Daniel or Highness

Me:Okay Aquaman


Me:relax just messing with you.

Daniel has a disturbed look.

Me:What's wrong dude.

Daniel:I have a Really bad feeling about this dungeon I just can't put my finger on it what the problem is.

Toshiro:Welp we can't find out the problem unless we head in.


We went into the Dungeon

I used my ring to shine some light.

We went deeper until we came upon a Huge Door and It has weird markings on it and huge cracks on it.

Daniel:That's ancient altlanten language its Says do not open and Armored Shark.

Daniel pov

Armored shark,armed shark why does that sound so familiar.

Suddenly the temple started to shake And the ground started to break and the temple started to collapse.

Me:We need to get out of here now.

We both got out and the temple collapsed and Something came out of the debris It was a giant Shark.

We both got out and the temple collapsed and Something came out of the debris It was a giant Shark

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(I don't own this)

Toshiro:Well that thing Actually look menacing.

Me:We got to stop that thing now.

Toshiro:What's wrong with it what's it going to do cause a Tsunami.

Me:Actually yes it is I remember in legend that thing like the heat so much it digs it self underground until it hits lava but there a problem it hits tectonic plates that cause the plates to move closer causing Earthquakes first then causing Tsunami flooding everything.

Toshiro:Oh 😐

Me:First its starts eating its favorite food is Brine.

Toshiro:You mean those crab like people. You told me about one day.

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