Zoe Candace Try

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Name:Zoe Candace Try
Name chosen: she just goes by Zoe. She doesn't really care about it.
Age: 13
Birthday:14th of November

Appearance: Zoes left eye is a bright green, but no one has ever seen Zoes right. She says it is in fact not human looking though. Her body is pretty rectangular and kind of melnurished due to Zoe often going a few weeks without food. She eats human organs, so she often just puts eating to the side until she realizes it's fatal. Zoe wears an orange hoodie with a black t-shirt underneath. She also wears black pants and hiking boots. Along with that she wears a blue satchel bag that used to be her mothers. Inside of it is a pink rabbit plushie that her mother gave her when she was little, but she trusts just about no one with knowing she has it.

Voice: Zoe has a kind of monotone bored sounding voice. When she's happy or exited (which is very rare, she's a pretty sarcastic person for a 13 year old) her voice sounds something like a bird chirping. She also glitches when she's scared, angry, or sad. Which makes her voice sound repetitive and Glitchy.

Personally: Zoe, like I said, is a pretty sarcastic person. But she is a joker. She takes basically anything as a challenge and tries to surpass anyone she can. She also likes to annoy people when she's bored, and not playing video games. She enjoys them a lot, usually the Nentendo games. She has a kind of 'fu*k it' attitude. She doesn't care for death, much less her own. But she is a pretty smart kid nonetheless.

Habits/fears: dispite being so casual, she has ptsd. She was raised as a criminal due to her mother being one. She's most scared of gunshots or anything sounding relative to one, Including balloons popping or thunder. If she's in deep thaught, she'll usually start talking to herself. Even sometimes criticizing herself when she does something dumb, she doesn't hear voices though. She sometimes plays with her bandaids which were gained often by her injuring herself due to her clumsyness. She also has a fear of being abandoned so she's ether super clingy or super distant. Sometimes she switches between the two

Backstory (in a nutshell): Zoe was taught and raised to be a killer since she was born due to her mother being a killer. Her father was never around though. At age 9 her mother was hunting and didn't return to Zoe. (this is where she gained her fear of being abandoned) Zoe later was Brought to an orphanage where she was taught how to act human. She was later found out after she trusted someone too much with her secret of being inhuman and fleed the orphanage in fear of being taken by the police. (remember she was raised a criminal, so cops to her were considered bad) now she roams the woods in search for a new home.

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