Villain Rehab???

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Shigaraki's eyes bore into the gaurds head, never blinking. The gaurd nervously fiddled with the little badge on the left of his chest, trying to ignore the angry set of orbs in the cellar looking his way. 'like a goddamn owl ' He mused. The other Villains Just Chilled. Dabi was sleeping on one of the beds. Being the chaotic neutral he was, he really didn't give a shit about what was happening. Toga and Twice were playing Chinese checkers, Squealing everytime they finished, and restarted for the 50th time. Spinner Just kinda watched with amusement.
꓃ At UA ꓃

"After the kidnapping of a U.A student, All Might and the other pro heroes worked together and successfully captured and arrested the League Of Villains. You can rest well knowing they are out of the picture." Izuku sighed and leaned on his chair. he had been trying to do homework, and keep his mind off of the incident, but to no avail. What were the Pros to do with them? They're mass murderers, not to be taken lightly. You can't just throw them in prison and expect them to stay, that would be idiocy in it's truest form. He could only hope, that they would figure something out soon. They're the Pros, after all.

Aizawa rubbed his temples. This meeting was being a real bitch. He just wanted to curl up in his yellow sleeping bag, but this was Important. "So, what should we do with the league?" Midnight asked. "You all know we can't leave them in Jail, They will escape, they're intelligent. We can't afford to underestimate them." The room was quite for

"You know," Nezu hummed "I've read there files" he finished. Every head in the room snapped to him. "There age, real Identity,school records, etc." He took a sip of his tea, gently setting it down. " And I have come to a decision." Every hero in the room tensed in anticipation.

"They'll be put in the Rehabilitation program, here at UA."


The League's attention snapped to the doorway as it was opened. Eraser Head walked in. Shigaraki lowly growled, rolling his eyes before looking the other way. Aizawa glanced at the group for a moment before walking over to the gaurd, whispering to him. The gaurd nodded. Aizawa walked over, and stood in front of the cell. " So let's get to the point." Every head snapped to him, save for dabi (who was still sleeping.)
"You guys are going to the Rehabilitation program at UA." Every member ( again, except for dabi ) stared, eyes almost popping out of their sockets. Twice opened his mouth to speak, but Aizawa cut him off "No, you do not have a choice in the matter, if that was your question." Twice closed his mouth. " But I'm fucking 20. Not 16!" Aizawa calmly looked to shigaraki, tiredness practically radiated around him. "It doesn't matter, we already have a dorm set up for you. Now let's get going." He opened the cell. Spinner shook dabi awake. Aizawa put cuffs on all of their hands. Dabi was startled and looked around for explanation (Poor confused bacon boi ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ.) Shigaraki protested, jerking his fist away from the Pro hero.

They were escorted outside of the building, where a cab was waiting for them. toga jumping in delight. "Get in. We're going to UA."

To Be Continued

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